Date format differences: “1 January (,) 2018” versus “1st January ...
2018年1月1日 · I have seen four different styles on how to format a date: 1 January 2018 1 January, 2018 1st January 2018 1st January, 2018 Which is used when and where? Which are common and why are there these...
dates - Is "on January first" is also correct? - English Language ...
2016年11月29日 · If I want to express the date: 1/1/17 can I say "on January first"? For example: I'm going to meet him on January first. I know that I can say also: "the first of January", but my question is about the style that I showed.
Which preposition should I use, "on" 1st January or "in" 1st January?
2018年1月17日 · This question should include more details than have been provided here. Please edit to add the research you have done in your efforts to answer the question, or provide more context. See: Details, Please.
adjectives - Word order: "A bigger than B" or "bigger A than B ...
2025年1月1日 · For Q1 Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different emphases: "John has a bigger dog than Tom's." This is the more common and natural phrasing. It directly compares the size of John's dog to Tom's dog, emphasizing the "bigger" quality. "John has a dog bigger than Tom's." This is less common but still correct. It focuses more on the description of John's dog as ...
meaning - What does on the ballot mean? - English Language …
2021年1月1日 · The implication is perhaps that democracy itself was at stake and could be either supported or opposed by voting for particular options on the ballot paper. At a guess this means that one of the candidates for President was seen by the author as being a supporter of democracy, the other an opponent of it.
prepositions - the use of " link with "and " link to " - English ...
2016年1月1日 · Thailand is linked with/to Peninsular Malaysia on the main land of Asia. What is the correct usage of "link" in the sentence, linked with or linked to?
grammar - "On/ to - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2025年1月1日 · Any particular context? They can be used in a lot of different ways, both literally and metaphorically: of places, pictures, people, decorations/things stuck on something, giving directions, arrangements of objects, etc, and "being on the right side of someone" means they are well-disposed towards you.
prepositions - Greetings (of/for) the new year - English Language ...
2021年1月1日 · The strongest contender for "for" is "on the occasion of": greetings on the occasion of the new year makes much more sense than anything else on the list. "For" also has more suitable candidates. As for "of", greetings about the new year is somewhat apt but quite vague. Conclusion Therefore, the semantics support the usage in this case, and greetings for the new year seems to be the better choice.
verbs - One or both of them has or have? - English Language …
2025年1月4日 · I would consider 'or both' to be an optional (thus removable) parenthetical insertion and therefore use 'has' to agree with 'one'. I would write 'both, or one, of them have' though. Paragraph (1) does not apply if—in respect of the relevant period— one or both of them has made an election under section 357A of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 (election for special treatment of profits from ...
difference - Will/would be a good idea - English Language …
2025年1月20日 · Is there any difference between the following sentence? Which one should I use? Your helping me with my homework will be a good idea. Your helping me with my homework would be a good idea.