Skald the Elder - Fandom
Skald the Elder, or Skald Felgeif, [1] is one of the Jarls in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He serves as Jarl of The Pale from his seat in Dawnstar. As Jarl of Dawnstar, he resides within The White Hall with a number of servants and counselors, including his housecarl, Jod, his servant, Bulfrek, and the Court Wizard, Madena.
Skyrim:Skald - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
2024年9月6日 · Skald is an elderly Nord and the initial Jarl of Dawnstar in the Pale. A militant supporter of the Stormcloak rebellion and fiercely loyal to its leader, Ulfric Stormcloak, he will be overthrown if the Imperial Legion prevails, and replaced by Brina Merilis.
晨星城(天际) | 上古卷轴中文 维基 | Fandom
晨星城是 天际 的一座 主要城市,苍白领的治所 矿业 和海运发达。 [1] It also serves as a garrison town along the northern coast of Skyrim. Governed by JarlSkald the Elder, it is a relatively small town, consisting of two rival mines, a small dock and a small number of residents.
Dawnstar (Skyrim) | Elder Scrolls - Fandom
Governed by Jarl Skald the Elder, Dawnstar is the capital of The Pale, and is known for its rich mines and harbor. [1] It also serves as a garrison town along the northern coast of Skyrim. Dawnstar is one of the colder settlements in Skyrim; along with Winterhold and Windhelm, as it resides in perpetual snow and ice.
Þorleifr jarlsskáld - Wikipedia
Þorleifr Rauðfeldarson, known by the epithet jarlsskáld or jarlaskáld ("earls'/earl's poet") was an Icelandic skald in the second half of the 10th century. He was one of the court poets of Jarl Hákon Sigurðarson and composed drápur on both the jarl and King Sweyn Forkbeard, but little of …
Skald the Elder - Skyrim Wiki
Skald the Elder is the Jarl of the Pale. He can be found in The White Hall. Quite a few of his subjects are less convinced that the Jarl has ever overcome his youthful follies, and even with...
艾灵的便条 - 上古卷轴5天际WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
艾灵, 天空磨坊的主人. Jarl Skald the Elder, Anga's Mill will be supplying all the lumber as per your instructions. I hope this will clear up any and all tax burdens my father might have left us with. I refuse to send any of my workers to answer your call for Stormcloak recruits, though. You can either have lumber or you can have soldiers. We can't do both.
Skyrim:Kill the Giant (Jarl) - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages …
The Jarl of Dawnstar, Skald, will ask you to deal with a giant to send a message to all the other giants in the hold, for although they are not a problem now, the jarl believes they will be in the future. The giant can be found at one of three camps (above) and can be taken down by any means necessary.
领主 - 上古卷轴 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
在北欧神话中,Jarl是海姆达尔神最初创造的三个人中第三个的名字。他代表贵族阶级,另外两个人是Thrall(奴隶或农奴)和自由人Karl(或“Carl”,如“"housecarl”)。 参见. 皇帝; 至高王; 伯爵; 议员; 领; 参考
Skyrim:Thane of the Pale - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
2024年7月27日 · If Skald is Jarl of the Pale, then normally, you must first complete Waking Nightmare and then Kill the Giant in order to befriend him. If Skald was ousted from Dawnstar during Season Unending, and then reinstated after The Battle for …