libsdl4j/libsdl4j: A direct port of SDL2 to Java using JNA - GitHub
LibSDL4J is a mapping of SDL2 APIs to Java. There are two goals for LibSDL4J: Provide as direct of a mapping of SDL APIs as possible. It should be easy to just 1:1 translate C-style source code to Java. Provide reasonably performant mapping.
parhelia512/libjavasdl: A direct port of SDL2 to Java using JNA - GitHub
libjavasdl is a mapping of SDL2 APIs to Java. There are two goals for libjavasdl: Provide as direct of a mapping of SDL APIs as possible. Provide as performant of a mapping as possible. Because of these goals there is a lot of room for Java niceties (Enums, encapulation, autoclosable, type …
Java wrapper for SDL and LibGDX controller API - GitHub
Defeat up to 15 of your friends in a tournament of 80s-inspired retro mini games. This library provides APIs at three layers: A Java wrapper around SDL. Currently we wrap most of Joystick and GameController. PRs to wrap further APIs are welcome.
sdl java_SDL开发笔记(一):SDL介绍、编译使用以及工程模板 …
SDL是 “Simple DirectMedia Layer”的缩写,SDL是一个开源的跨平台的多媒体库,封装了复杂的音视频底层操作,简化了音视频处理的难度。 SDL使用C语言写成,提供了数种控制图像、声音、输出入的函数,可以开发出跨
SDL2/Android - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Building SDL2 for Android Existing documentation. A lot of information can be found in SDL/docs/README-android.md. This page is more walkthrough-oriented. Pre-requisites. Install minimal Java environment. For instance, in Debian/Ubuntu:
Java for SDL - SourceForge
Java for SDL is a binding for SDL written in java. Now you can use SDL and still program with Java. For more information, refer to the project website at http://jsdl.sourceforge.net
Sdl and java - SDL Development - Simple Directmedia Layer
2002年8月22日 · SDL4Java is a Java API for the Simple DirectMedia Layer (www.libsdl.org). This API allows for easy control and manipulation of video, audio, mouse, keyboard, cd-roms, and joysticks. Features: OpenGL and GLU, sdl_ttf for true type font support, sdl_image
LibSDL4J | libsdl4j.github.io
Java bindings for SDL2 library.
sdl2gdx API - GitHub Pages
Java SDL - GDX Controllers. This library provides APIs at three layers: A Java wrapper around SDL. Currently we wrap most of Joystick and GameController. PRs to wrap further APIs are welcome. This wrapper is as close to the C source as possible, so you should be able to port any SDL examples with no changes. An OO wrapper on top of layer 1.
isXander/sdl2-jni: Java wrapper for SDL. - GitHub
Defeat up to 15 of your friends in a tournament of 80s-inspired retro mini games. This library provides APIs at three layers: A Java wrapper around SDL. Currently we wrap most of Joystick and GameController. PRs to wrap further APIs are welcome.