2206H | JBL Professional Loudspeakers | English
The 2206H is ideally suited for use in touring sound, fixed installations and critical monitoring applications, where high SPL, low distortion and smooth response are required. If any of the links above result in strange characters in your browser, please right-click the …
The JBL 2206H/J low frequency transducer represents the results of JBL’s latest engineering research in high power transducer design. The 2206H/J signifies a major advance in speaker design by incorporating JBL’s patented Vented Gap Cooling’” tech-nology in an improved Symmetrical Field Geometry (SFG) magnetic structure.
JBL 2206H 12" High-Power LF Driver - Parts Express
For increased power handling while reducing power compression, a unique direct voice coil-to-air heat dissipation method called Vented Gap Cooling has been used. This process pumps air through the magnetic gap and directly over and around the voice coil to provide immediate heat transfer and reduction in operating temperature.
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JBL 2206HPL 12″ 8 Ohm Low Frequency Transducer - Speaker Exchange
The 2206H/J incorporates JBL’s patented Vented Gap Cooling technology in an improved Symmetrical Field Geometry (SFG) magnetic structure. Vented Gap Cooling is a unique, direct voice coil-to-air heat dissipation method that increases power …
JBL 2206H Specifications - Audio Database
VGC series 30 cm cone type woofer unit. The VGC series realizes smooth characteristics without distortion with extremely low power compression (decrease in effective sensitivity) despite high output. In order to achieve both high sound quality and high output, it uses the Ventilated Gap Cooling technology.
JBL 2206Hの仕様 - オーディオの足跡
VGCシリーズの30cmコーン型ウーファーユニット。 VGCシリーズでは、大出力ながらパワー・コンプレッション (実効感度の低下)を極めて低く抑え、歪の無い滑らかな特性を実現しています。 高音質と大出力を両立するため、ヴェンテッド・ギャップ・クーリング (Vented Gap Cooling)技術を採用しており、ボイスコイルに直接空気を導くことで放熱を格段に効率化しています。 また、シンメトリカル・フィールド・ジオメトリ (Symmetrical Field Geometry)磁気 …
JBL 2206H Speakers - JBL 2206H 12" speaker. The JBL 2206H 12" …
JBL 2206H - JBL Speakers - JBL 2206H speaker for replacement or speaker upgrade. JBL 2206 speakers for DJ’s, Bands, and Sound Reinforcement. Repair your old speaker systems with JBL Speaker Parts.
JBL 2206H 12" Speaker #2878 (One) - Reverb
JBL 2206H 600 Watt 12" PA Speaker - Looks Excellent - Sounds Great! View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. These speakers have scratches from normal use and age. These speakers are in …
JBL 2206HPL - Reverb
Matched pair high output, high performance, 2206HPL JBL weather coated mid-bass drivers. Nominal Diameter: 12" Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms. RMS Power: 600 Watts. Peak Power: 1200 Watts. Sensitivity: 95 dB 1W/1m. Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax): 7.5 mm. Usable Frequency range: 45 to 3,500 Hz. Voice Coil Diameter: 4" Magnet Material: Ferrite.
Recone Kit for 12 Inch JBL 2206H, HPL, 8 Ohms, RK-JBL2206-8
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