Home | Truck Body Manufacturer | JB Poindexter & Co
JB Poindexter & Co is a privately held, diversified manufacturing company with consolidated revenue of approximately $2.5 billion and profitability commensurate with a manufacturer of work vehicles, equipment, and other manufactured goods and components. We employ 8,500 team members globally with manufacturing operations in North America.
Our Story - JB Poindexter & Co
J.B. Poindexter & Co (JBPCO) initially began as an investment partnership with John B. Poindexter and fellow partners, whose goals evolved from the realization of capital gains to the achievement of long-term growth.
Careers - JB Poindexter & Co
JBPCO was founded in 1985 by John B. Poindexter. The company started as private equity investment firm and is now a privately held, diversified manufacturing company forecasting $2.3B in annual revenue and 9,000 team members.
JB Poindexter & Co | LinkedIn
40 years of driving industries forward. 🚛 From serving the commercial trucking industry and specialty manufacturing to leading next-generation vehicle innovation, J.B. Poindexter & Co. has spent...
Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd.
2013年9月13日 · JBP(Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. ), is the world leading company in the area of the placenta-based products where JBP is further responsible to solve the questions still pending as to the composition and mechanism of the placenta, and for the effective application of various features of placenta in the sphere of medical treatment, health ...
公司简介 | 株式会社日本生物制剂 - placenta
株式会社日本生物制剂(Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd.),中国官方名为JBP。 JBP从1956年开始致力于胎盘素研究,是全球较早开始胎盘素研究的机构,现在则是世界上最先进的胎盘素药物以及化妆品、保健品制造企业。
JBP Group
At JBP Group, we’re committed to removing the two greatest threats to your retirement – outliving your assets and stock market risk. We know that a comfortable retirement doesn’t just happen – It takes planning and long-term support from a trusted advisor.
2024年7月3日 · JBP(Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd. ), is the world leading company in the area of the placenta-based products where JBP is further responsible to solve the questions still pending as to the composition and mechanism of the placenta, and for the effective application of various features of placenta in the sphere of medical treatment, health ...
Home | JBP Communications
JBP is a full service PR, communications, stakeholder engagement, political affairs, marketing and creative consultancy with operations nationwide and a global capability through our membership of the Worldcom PR network.
Business Units - JB Poindexter & Co
J.B. Poindexter & Co (JBPCO) has the broadest distribution network in the industry, which provides transportation professionals best-in-class work truck bodies, specialty vehicles, automotive EV/AV innovations, along with truck upfitting and accessories.