Jena Rundus - Triple A Fazbear Wiki
Jena Rundus is one of the voice actresses in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. She had voiced Mangle and Marionette before in Ultimate Custom Night, and she returned as Mangle in Five Nights...
Jena Rundus - Five Nights At Freddy's Wiki
Jena Rundas is a voice actress who has been involved in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. She voiced Mangle and the Puppet in Ultimate Custom Night. She reprised her role as Mangle in Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery.
Jena Rundus - IMDb
Jena Rundus is known for Ultimate Custom Night (2018), Snow White, Ruby's Storytime (2021) and Heartland of America Reagan's Room (2022).
Jena Rundas (visual voices guide) - Behind The Voice Actors
View 4 images of Jena Rundas's characters from their voice acting career.
傀儡 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
她是一个电子化的、拟人化和人格化的木偶,和游戏中的其他玩偶一样,她在晚上处于“自由漫游模式”,在这个模式中,她和其他敌人一起在Freddy Fazbear's Piazzaria内徘徊,直到早上6点,那时它们的伺服系统将会锁定。 像其他的电子玩偶一样,小丑会在12点伺服器解锁后把她看到的任何人强行塞进一套Freddy Fazbear的空服装里,导致被塞入的人眼球与牙齿被挤出而死亡。 不过这也和他的面部识别器故障有关。 根据UCN的小丑杀的死后语音,她是女的(可能是因为亨利女儿 …
Jena Rundus - Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria Simulator Wiki
Jena Rundus is the voice actress for Mangle and The Puppet in Ultimate Custom Night. She was born on April 1, 1969 (yes, really.) Despite being listed as Withered Chica's voice actor on...
Jena Rundus | Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos | AllMovie
Find bio, credits and filmography information for Jena Rundus on AllMovie
Jena Rundus | Wiki Freddy Fazbear's Pizza | Fandom
Jena Rundus es la actriz de voz que tiene el papel de doblar a Mangle y a Puppet en la Ultimate Custom Night. Según su biografía en su perfil de Voices.com, ella estudió en la universidad de Colorado, mayormente en la actuación de piano. Según ella, es capaz de interpretar desde un niño de 5 años…
The Puppet VOICE - Behind The Voice Actors
Jena Rundas is the voice of The Puppet in Five Nights at Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night. Video Game: Five Nights at Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night Franchise: Five Nights at Freddy's
Mangle - Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
Mangle is one of the main antagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and a broken Toy Foxy. In "Mangle in Kid's Cove", it replaces Senpai from Hating Simulator. Unlike other versions of Foxy, Mangle is meant to be a Pull apart, put back together animatronic, It …