JerAx - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Jesse " JerAx " Vainikka (born May 7, 1992) is a Finnish Dota 2 two-time The International Champion with OG, who last coached Team Liquid before retiring from professional Dota 2.
JerAx - Dota 2 Wiki
Jesse "JerAx" Vainikka (born May 7, 1992) is a Finnish Dota 2 player who is currently a coach for Team Liquid. JerAx made his name in Heroes of Newerth, where he played for a number of teams including "Dirty Minds" (with Era and SingSing) and "Man the fuck Up"/"KD-Gaming" (with Era).[1]
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再来看4号位选手:Jerax。 巧合的是,Jerax在打dota2之前也是一名HON选手。在那个时候,他与Era和Singsing都曾经参加过Hon的职业/半职业队伍,其中比较著名的是他们三人共同组建的“DirtyMind”。而在DOTA2刚刚开始公测时,JerAx却不得不面临服兵役的考验。
2019年9月13日 · 今年已经27岁的JerAx已经在DOTA2这一领域取得了巨大的成功,但是在DOTA2这款游戏正式发行前,JerAx曾经是一位Heroes of Newerth (《超神英雄》“HON”)的职业选手,而在DOTA2刚刚开始公测时,JerAx却不得不去服兵役,因此直到2013年,在很多朋友的帮助下,JerAx才终于 ...
急流勇退岂无人!回顾JerAx奇幻妙绝生涯 - 17173
2013年9月25日 · DAC决赛不敌IG取得亚军,接下来的基辅特锦赛,Major之王再一次不辱使命,决胜局更是上演了巨大劣势下的惊天翻盘。JerAx的大树在对方野区混战中开大缠绕住VP的所有英雄,为Ana的巨魔提供了完美的输出环境。 基辅Major决胜局的完美大树大
2020年2月3日 · 这支队伍汇聚了当时全芬兰最佳的选手,JerAx在队中有一席之地。 4ASC赛场照 15年,JerAx离开4ASC加入Team Tinker,队友中除了老熟人Singsing,还有快播哥,布狗,Bulba等知名选手。
DOTA2:专访Ti双冠四号位jerax,新人基本没机会,OG众人并非 …
Jerax也表示主要原因就是因为DOTA2机制比较难以理解,而且新人玩家需要经过大量的训练。 即便是到了职业水准,如果没有那种过人的天赋,一般选手需要3-4年时间才能够引起俱乐部的注意,而要成为Ti级别的选手就更加困难了。
JerAx: Dota 2 Career, Earnings, Team Liquid & Retirement
2024年12月28日 · JerAx leaves behind a legacy as the best support player in Dota 2. As one of the legends in competitive Dota, he is known for his creative strategies and iconic plays — not to mention being part of the historic OG wins at The International.
JerAx - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
Rising to fame through his Earth Spirit performances, JerAx is regarded as one of the most skilled 4 position supports in the world. His pro career is still quite young and only really begun 2 years ago. Ever since has been a storm of success for JerAx, with two Major finals appearances under Liquid and now two Major titles with OG.
Jerax Player Profile: Hands down the nicest one I've seen ... - Reddit
2016年12月8日 · I remember Jerax playing HoN, on a team that wasn’t particulary top tier by any means (can’t recall the name atm), but he was playing the HoN port of Sand King (magmus) and he was the best performer on that hero I’ve ever seen. He was incredible, and I am not surprised at all that he performs the same way today.