Jek-14 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Jek-14 was a Force-sensitive Sith clone of a basic clone trooper created by Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus on Kamino during the Clone Wars. He was originally intended to be part of a much larger "Sith clone" army. After dueling and evading Mace Windu and Yoda, he escaped to Geonosis, where he presented himself to Darth Sidious in the flesh.
【星战人仔】西斯克隆人杰克十四号 - 百度贴吧
杰克十四号(Jek-14)是lego原创的动画电视剧尤达传(LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles)第一季全三集中的男一号,出世时是一名西斯克隆人,后来弃暗投明;注意:杰克十四号是“lego原创人物”
Jex (@jexjordyn) • Instagram photos and videos
“Told You So” acoustic version - out with @martingarrix on 2.14 🤍 #newmusic #valentinesday
LEGO Star Wars Jek 14 Stealth Starfighter - amazon.com
2013年8月1日 · Pursue the rogue clone, Jek-14, in his amazing Stealth Starfighter with retractable landing gear, opening cockpit with space for a minifigure, folding wings, rotating and elevating blaster cannon, R4-G0 astromech droid, storage compartment with holocron and 2 flick missiles.
- 评论数: 323
Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter : Set 75018-1 - BrickLink
ItemName: LEGO Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter, ItemType: Set, ItemNo: 75018-1, Buy and sell LEGO parts, Minifigures and sets, both new or used from the world's largest online LEGO marketplace.
Jek-14/LEGO | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Jek-14, also known as the The Maker of Zoh, was a Force-sensitive human who had been an experiment from the Sith, until he was betrayed by them. Jek lived in the planet Zoh during the Galactic Civil War, and spent much of his time repairing discarded droids and building structures.
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中国語ページ | zone-jex
涂上jex史上最大量的 隐身啫喱来打造出来的“zone” 其结果,终于实现了用户所需求的、 可以说理想的 不戴套感觉 。 曾未有过的 融为一体的舒服感 , 是否在zone能够体验?
Jek-14 | Clone Wiki | Fandom
Jek-14, also known as The Maker or The Maker of Zoh,[4] was a clone Force-sensitive Sith created by Count Dooku on Kamino during the Clone Wars. Jek-14 was born in 21 BBY on Kamino,[2] cloned from the genetic template of a Mandalorian bounty hunter named Jango Fett.[1]
Jek-14 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Jek-14, or Jek, was a Force-sensitive human who took refuge on the isolated scrapyard planet of Zoh. Using his connection to the Force, he built himself a new life and loyal droid companions, including BL-OX, the EV-series droid N-3RO, and the MSE-6 series repair droid Fixer.[1]