Joint First-Aid Kit (JFAK), NSN 6545-01-632-0167, Complete (With ...
Purpose: The JFAK provides Airmen first aid capability to treat injuries sustained in the line-of-duty. The JFAK replaces the Individual First Aid Kit, NSN 6545-01-528-6546. When issued as an item of individual equipment on AF form 538 and 1297, the kit will be worn on the vertical strap of field clothing except during bail out procedures.
JFAK 醫療包裡面應該放什麼?TCCC 專業的告訴你!
2024年10月18日 · 我們根據最新的 tccc 指導方針,為您介紹如何正確配備和使用 jfak 醫療包,以應對戰場上的大出血、氣道阻塞及呼吸問題等可預防的致命情況。 傲骨裝備屋不僅提供急救包,還配備相關醫療耗材,並持續精進員工內訓,確保為顧客提供最專業的建議與服務。
美军CLS TCCC课程简介(二):医疗器材-卫勤精兵
2024年9月10日 · 至关重要的一件器材是联合急救包(JFAK,Joint First Aid Kit)。 为JFAK选择的每件器材都是基于实战检验的(从最近在阿富汗和伊拉克进行的海外应急行动中汲取了经验教训),并且对于每个作战人员来说都有着不同的使用目的。
2023年9月1日 · Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives, to include: (1) a comprehensive review of the current logistics systems for the Individual First-Aid Kits (IFAKs), Joint First-Aid Kits (JFAKs), and Combat Lifesaver (CLS) kits; and (2) a review of the benefits of synchronizing the kitting of components throughout the ...
Module 2: Medical Equipment - Allogy
One piece of equipment that is critically important is the Joint First Aid Kit (JFAK). Every piece of equipment chosen for the JFAK is evidence-based (based on lessons from years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan) and serves a distinct purpose for the individual Service member; knowing how to properly use what is in the JFAK can save a life.
Home - JFAK Architects
JFAK stands with all of our Asian and Pacific Islander friends, families and loved ones, and communities. Stop hate and discrimination against Asians and Pacific Islanders. Open Source Homelessness Initiative (OSHI) is a non-profit organization that centralizes information and resources to accelerate the eradication of homelessness.
2013年11月28日 · 大致上还是要先谈一下单兵急救包 (First Aid Kit)简单的发展历程,自1967年越战期间开始发给士兵们个人使用新的单兵急救包,原则上是由WWII JFAK (JFAK是由棉质帆布製作,配发给太平洋战区的陆战队士兵为主,使用M1910钩具挂在S腰带上,但二战部份的单兵急救包,由于小弟并没有实物及非专精于此之收藏,就请恕小弟不多作说明)改良而来,后来即是以军绿色尼龙袋以ALICE夹结合,其内装一个军绿色胶料盒子来携带个人急救物品,在内装物使用期限 …
JFAK JOINT Individual First Aid Kit - Army Navy Warehouse
North American Rescue : USAF Joint First Aid Kit. ABU CAMO. C.A.T. Tourniquets. Gerber Strap Cutter. Quicklot Combat Gauze.
Air Force Joint First Aid Kit, Individual AFSOC Version, ABU
2024年10月31日 · For AFSOC Personnel Use Only! The AFSOC IFAK provides AFSOC Airmen first aid capability to treat injuries sustained in the line-of-duty. Installation. When used in various major kits, or standard mobility bags, the USAF activity responsible for assembling the major items will install this kit.
JFAK Medical Kit - Top Tier Tactical
Includes: CAT Tourniquet (2) Tourniquet Holder (2) Gerber Rescue Hook NAR Triangular Bandage NAR Compressed Gauze (2) Nasopharyngeal Airway HyFin USMC Chest Seal Casualty Card (10) Mini Sharpie QuikClot Combat Gauze (2) Black Talon Gloves (2) 4" Emergency Trauma Bandage (2) Padded Eye Shield (2) Emergency Duct Tape