Thanks to this month's warbond decal, Tigor can now have the ... - Reddit
2020年7月24日 · "Tiger" emblem, 4./JG26 Squadron Luftwaffe. It was one of the Weekly Decals back in October 2018. If you unlocked it then it should be in the Germany decal folder.
Jagdgeschwader 26 - Wikipedia
Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG 26) Schlageter was a German fighter - wing of World War II. It was named after Albert Leo Schlageter, a World War I veteran, Freikorps member, and posthumous Nazi martyr, arrested and executed by the French for sabotage in 1923. The wing fought predominantly against the Western Allies.
Found tigor in a swedish ww2 magasine : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2018年12月11日 · It's actually a group marking, so there were several 109s throughout the war with it on. 4./JG26 used the tiger alongside the JG26 'S' marking, so it wasnt just one pilot that had this on their plane
I just noticed that, of all the tiger-themed decals in this BP ... - Reddit
2024年6月24日 · I just noticed that, of all the tiger-themed decals in this BP's decal crate, the legendary "Tigor" decal (4./JG26 Squadron Luftwaffe) is probably the only one that they didn't include. Nobody's responded to this post yet. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. 446K subscribers in the Warthunder community.
JG 26“史拉格特”战斗机联队 - 百度百科
JG 26“史拉格特”战斗机联队是二战时期德国的一支空军部队。 JG26“Schlageter”联队,是德国空军中的一支劲旅,他们一直战斗在西线(除1943年1月至6月,JG26的I./JG26大队加上7./JG26中队因与JG54的Ⅲ./JG54大队外加4./JG54中队互调,而在列宁格勒防线与苏军作战)。 参加过战争前期的法国战役、不列颠之战等重要战役,战争中后期他们更担负起保卫德国人民的重大责任。 深受崇拜的阿道夫·格兰德将军也是来自JG26。 因而虽不能称JG26为最好的联队,至少也是最好的 …
JG26, airbattle 14th Ocober 1943 above Holland - Luftwaffe and …
Can somebody tell me which Luftwaffe unit (s) and pilots participated (probably JG26) in an airbattle above Holland in the afternoon of 14th October 1943. I know that Adolf Glunz shotdown a P47 fighter from the 353 FG (not confirmed) and crashed near Budel. There were three claims for P-47 done in this battle. One was rejected.
神话的终结:纳粹空军JG-26联队史 - 搜狐新闻
2006年3月17日 · 完成了“底板行动”后,JG26联队的任务是在西线东部战区为陆军提供空中支援,他们被命令可以自由狩猎和对地攻击,而不必参加拦截盟军战略轰炸机的任务。 由于苏联军队在东线的大举进攻,大部分战斗机大队调往东线,只有JG26等少数几个联队继续留守西线苦苦支撑。 到了1945年1月中旬,JG26的战斗力急剧下降,每天的作战都是以几个年轻的菜鸟被盟军飞机击落而告终,只有1月14日哈克少校带领的分队击落了两架雷电P-47。 匹勒上校于1月28日升任西 …
JG 26, by Les Butler & Don Caldwell (including casualty list
2004年12月13日 · From 12 O'Clock High!: Here are some 1943-44 numbers... ...go to the JG 26 site, http://jg26.cjb.net/, scroll down to the page "Luftwaffe Losses by Theater", and open it. You'll get your losses of combat types by date and theater. There are two tables. One combines damaged aircraft with total losses; the other is total losses only.
神话的终结:纳粹空军JG-26联队史 - 搜狐新闻
2006年3月17日 · 联队长匹勒中校在6月7日击落了1架p-47和1架p-51,这是他的第97个和第98个战果,当天jg26共击落8架盟军战斗机,损失两架。 6月8号又击落6架盟军飞机 ...
Asisbiz history section Luftwaffe Unit Jagdgeschwader 26
2024年4月22日 · Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG 26) Schlageter was a Luftwaffe fighter-wing of World War II. It operated mainly in Western Europe against Great Britain, France the United States but also saw service against Russia. It was named after Albert Leo Schlageter, a World War I veteran and Freikorps member arrested and executed by the French for sabotage in 1923.