I need an explanation to the jhhg and custom modding issue
2019年6月4日 · Okay thanks for clearing it up. And yes they do. I have jhhg hardi sprayer for the U.S. and its perfect and I also have customs wilson trailers. I wish jhhg could add more stuff along with custom to increase the amount of mods we get. But it is what it is amd I'm not gonna complain like alot of console players
JHHG Modding - GIANTS Software - Forum
2019年6月29日 · JHHG has gone private. Granted if 2 modders where able to put something very similar out without copying 1 another, I would take the 1 from the modder i recognize. Playing games because they are fun.
For all the JHHG fans - Page 2 - GIANTS Software - Forum
2019年6月16日 · This is a normal thing JHHG does, if his mods gets leaked, he will revoke everyones access and then to gain access again he will make u pay again, was confirmed by someone in the community Top Rbk_3
I see JHHG Modding was unbanned from modhub - Forum
2022年1月26日 · Actually eric21 jhhg and siid are friends and worked together on the john deere mods that were released today. Both jhhg and siid have been fighting/not getting along with custom modding. They did not steal the planter from custom modding but instead secretly made their own after custom modding had announced that he was working on that planter.
JHHG Modding Hardi sprayer - GIANTS Software - Forum
2019年5月8日 · Re: JHHG Modding Hardi sprayer Post by dapals51 » Thu May 09, 2019 1:34 am redglasses wrote: ↑ Wed May 08, 2019 10:48 pm Now we just need a proper row crop tractor setup to pull it with
JHHG S series combine (just noticed this) - GIANTS Software
2015年10月10日 · Re: JHHG S series combine (just noticed this) Post by Illinois Farmer » Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:51 pm I saw the screens, but thought maybe they were pc only or it was the unit lite converter mod putting it into bushels.
JHHG modding surprise - GIANTS Software - Forum
2020年2月15日 · Re: JHHG modding surprise Post by Mwal » Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:50 am Get it as soon as it comes out console players. controversy aside guy doesn’t exactly have many friends in the modding community if he does anything wrong somebody will complain and try get it pulled.
JHHG Modding - GIANTS Software - Forum
2022年7月21日 · PLEASE, fix that fps drop of John Deere DB120 seeder!!. it is horble, id is like dia show. Edit don_apple: topic moved from "Modding" to "Modhub Bug Reports", since it appears to be about an issue with a mod from the Modhub, and not a question related to creating or changing a mod.
John Deere S700 Series von JHHG Modding - GIANTS Software
2021年8月2日 · John Deere S700 Series von JHHG Modding Post by Achimobil » Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:14 am Im John Deere S700 Series von gibt es Warnings und eine unverträglichkeit mit dem Seasons Mod.
John Deere Large Capacity Combine Mod - GIANTS Software
2020年3月14日 · The JHHG combines have 20905 as the most capacity. There is also a Claas US Lexion out there with 25k, but it's not John Deere. Like IL Farmer said, you can just edit the xml too