Jiao Jin
Jiao Jin, Liang Zhu, Xingwei Tong, and Kirsten K. Ness, 2017, T-type corrected-loss estimation for error-in-variable model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(2) :...
北京师范大学统计学院 - bnu.edu.cn
2016年10月23日 · 主持国家级、省部级科研项目多项。 在国内外发表学术论文20余篇。 国家精品课程主讲教师。 曾获全国统计科研优秀成果奖二等奖、北京师范大学“最受本科生欢迎的十佳教师”。 研究方向为应用统计、稳健统计等。 科研论文(部分): Jiao Jin, Shixin Zhou, Qiujin Xu and Jinbing An, 2017, Identification of risk factors...
北京师范大学文理学院 - bnu.edu.cn
男,1976年生,2005年于北京师范大学获理学博士学位。 研究方向为应用统计、稳健统计等。 联系方式:[email protected]. 科研项目. 1. 国家统计局重大统计专项, 主持. 2022.8-2023.8. 2. NSFC (No: 11771048), 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持. 2018.1-2021.12. 3. 教育部人文社会科学青年基 …
Jiao JIN | Beijing Normal University, Beijing | bnu | Research …
Jiao JIN | Cited by 35 | of Beijing Normal University, Beijing (bnu) | Read 10 publications | Contact Jiao JIN
北京师范大学统计学院 - bnu.edu.cn
JIN Jiao, TONG XingWei, 2014, Corrected-loss estimation for Error-in-Variable Partially Linear Model, Science China Mathematics, accepted. 19.
Identification of risk factors in epidemiologic study based on ROC ...
2017年4月24日 · Jin, J., Zhou, S., Xu, Q. et al. Identification of risk factors in epidemiologic study based on ROC curve and network. Sci Rep 7, 46655 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep46655. Download...
Jiao Jin - Medical consultant intern - 益普索 - LinkedIn
View Jiao Jin’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. MSc Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics at University College London · Experience: 益普索 ·...
- 职位: MSc Experimental …
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T-type Corrected-Loss Estimation for Error-in-Variable Model
We propose a t-type corrected-loss estimation of the covariate effect, when the measurement error follows the Laplace distribution. The proposed estimator is asymptotically normal. In practical studies, some outliers that diminish the robustness of the estimation occur.
jiao jin (0000-0002-0325-3332) - ORCID
ORCID record for jiao jin. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Jiao Jin | Beijing Normal University | China - OMICS International
Jiao Jin is working and performing all researches currently with Beijing Normal University on related studies of Biology and life science. One of author's most cited work recently is entitled Identification of protein coding regions of rice genes using alternative spectral rotation measure and linear discriminant analysis. and we hope to see ...
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