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Dr. Jia Wan is a Professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) in the School of Computer Science and Technology. Before joining HITSZ, he was a Posdoc in the Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory (SVCL), University of California, San Diego, advised by Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos and at Boston College, supervised by Prof. Donglai Wei.
Jia Wan - Google Scholar
Professor of Computer Science, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) - Cited by 1,624 - Computer Vision - Machine Learning - Crowd Counting - Biomedical Image Analysis
Jian Wang (王健) - Google Scholar
Independent group leader at DWI Leibniz institute for interactive materials - Cited by 1,496 - Polymer brushes - plastic depolymerization - conducting polymer - paper based gas sensor
jio.wang - 沣栗文化
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Jiao Wang - Google Sites
I'm Jiao Wang (王姣 in Chinese). I will be joining the Department of Economics at University of Sussex Business School as Lecturer in Economics from January 2025. I previously worked at Melbourne...
Jiao Wang - Google 学术搜索
How has the latest IMERG V07 improved the precipitation estimates and hydrologic utility over CONUS against IMERG V06? S Zhu, Z Li, M Chen, Y Wen, S Gao, J Zhang, J Wang, Y Nan, SC Ferraro, ......
万 坚-华中师范大学化学学院 - CCNU
万坚,博士,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,化学学院副院长,国家级化学实验教学示范中心主任,国家级化学特色专业负责人,省级化学拔尖创新人才培养和化学专业综合改革项目负责人,省级精品课程《结构化学》负责人,桂苑名师。 1. 理论与计算化学:发展、改进和运用现代分子模拟方法,对化学、生命科学、材料科学中的科学问题进行理论计算研究。 2....
鹰角网络/Montagne工作室于2017年在上海成立,创始成员来自谷歌/无极黑/Cygames等公司。 我们希望将自己的才智与热情倾注到充满希望的逻辑艺术事业中,致力于构建独一无二的世界。
Jia Wan - OpenReview
Jia Wan Full Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology Joined February 2020
Jian Wang (王健)
I am Professor of Economics in the School of Management and Economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) and Associate Director of Shenzhen Finance Institute (SFI). At SFI, I am also Director of the Center for Macro-Financial Stability and Innovations and Director of Financial EMBA program and EDP program.
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