JJ Electronic - ECC81 - 12AT7
ECC81 is 12AT7 medium gain pre-amplifying double triode. Can be also used as replacement for 12AX7 in many applications. Very smooth and warm sound. Very low microphonic. Good for phase inverters or reverb drivers.
JJ ECC81/ 12AT7 Preamp Vacuum Tube | www.thetubestore.com
The JJ ECC81 / 12AT7 preamp tube is a low noise and low microphonic preamp tube. A good choice for phase inverters and reverb circuits calling for 12AT7 vacuum tubes. The ECC81 tube type is equivalent to the North American 12AT7 tube and …
JJ ECC81 - テクソル オンラインショップ | 高品質真空管 (オー …
真空管 (オーディオ・ギターアンプ用など)・電子管や送信管、分光器・OTDR・暗室・IRセンサカードなどの光学機器、高耐圧セラミックコンデンサ、トロイダルトランス、ソフトウェアなどの製品を輸入販売しております。
12AT7 / ECC81 - JJ Electronics, Pin Type: Regular, package of 2
2019年2月28日 · The JJ Electronic 12AT7 / ECC81 is a good choice for phase inverters, reverb drivers, and general preamp use. This tube offers low noise, low microphonics, and warm smooth tones at a great price. Like all JJ tubes, it has a rugged construction that doesn’t compromise the sound of your amp.
- 评论数: 19
ECC81 (12AT7) - Eurotubes
The JJ ECC81 is a superb example of the classic 12AT7. Most commonly used for driver applications these high current tubes have a warm and neutral character with great detail. Also available with current Balanced triodes for phase inverter use and Balanced and Matched in …
JJ 12AT7/ECC81 Slovakia Preamp Tube - Sweetwater
2018年1月30日 · Engineered, designed, and manufactured to exacting standards for musicality and overall warmth, you can trust a JJ tube to deliver premium tone. This is the JJ/New Sensor 12AT7 preamplifier tube, rated medium.
www.jj-electronic.com Base: NOVAL Uf = 6,3/12,6 V If = 300/150 mA Typical Characteristics: Ua = 250 V Ia = 10 mA ... Limiting Values: Ua = 300 V Wa = 2,5 W Ik = 15 mA Ug = -50 V Uk/f= 90 V Rg = 1 MΩ max 22,0 max 49,2 max 56,3 ECC81 12AT7, 6201 R. F. DOUBLE TRIODE. TrANsfer ChArACTerisTiCs pLATe ChArACTerisTiCs R. F. DOUBLE TRIODE Ug(V) Ua(V)-8 ...
JJ ECC81 (12AT7) - Valve Tube Guitar Amps
The JJ ECC81 (12AT7) is a low noise preamp valve from JJ Electronic. Many amps use an ECC81 as the reverb driver. The output current of an ECC81 is ten times higher than other preamp valves, so these will usually wear out faster than the ECC83 (12AX7) valves in your amp.
- 评论数: 5
JJ ECC81 / 12AT7 Preamp Vacuum Tube - TubeDepot.com
The JJ ECC81 / 12AT7 Preamp Vacuum Tube is a well made tube that is suitable for use in any circuit that requires a 12AT7.
JJ ECC81 / 12AT7 Preamp Vacuum Tube - Ruby Tubes
The JJ ECC81 tube also refereed to as a 12AT7, is known for its warm and smooth sound, making it a popular choice among musicians and audiophiles. It was widely used in vintage audio equipment and can still be found in some modern audio products, especially those designed to recreate classic tube-driven tones.