What does the separation code JKO means For General (honorable ...
2013年8月29日 · I was in the Navy, and looking at a copy of the DD 214 #26 is separation code and JKO is entered. And #27 is reentry code and RE-4 is entered.
Why did I receive a 1099-R tax form as a beneficiary of my father's ...
A 1099-R is not issued when a life insurance policy pays its death benefit since life insurance proceeds are not subject to federal income tax. A 1099-R specifically reports taxable income …
Is the "amount withheld" in va award letter, the amount of retro …
2017年7月18日 · Yes, the amount withheld is the VA retro pay while VA does an accounting with DoD to make sure you are eligible for concurrent receipt of military retired pay and VA …
How do I obtain a certified copy of a letter of appointment?
2018年11月19日 · My mother passed away last year, and my sister was appointed executor of her estate. Recently, I received notification that I may be eligible to receive benefits from her …
How do I fill out ein application for revocable trust when grantor …
2020年3月19日 · Im trying to apply for ein online.. The options are ein for revocable trust or irrevocable trust? I know technically its now irrevocable but the questions are different for each …
Can a co-owner do improvements without another co-owner's …
2013年4月27日 · Co-owners in real property who are not husband and wife hold title either as tenants in common or as joint tenants with the right of survivorship. As long as the property is …
If a quitclaim was signed and notorized but never recorded is it …
2013年3月24日 · An unrecorded deed is effective as to the parties, but not as to the public. The purpose of recordation is public notice of ownership. If the deed is recorded now, but there …
If I am joint owner of a Certificate of Deposit with my son, what are ...
2014年6月28日 · If you hold the CD jointly with right of survivorship, your son would become the owner upon your death. There is a federal marital exemption where an unlimited amount of …
2012年11月4日 · A durable power of attorney only lasts the lifetime of the principle and after the principle dies it is no longer effective. A transfer of property that is in the deceased name after …
Is it illegal for my dog to pee in someone's yard if they have signs ...
2020年4月16日 · I have a neighbor that was yelling at me saying he was going to call the cops after my dog peed in his yard despite the sign. After doing a little of online research myself, I …