Stuck in the Sand: Why the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle is Ill …
2020年9月11日 · From MRAP to JLTV. In the months after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) quickly became the most prevalent weapon insurgents used against US and coalition forces. The immediate response was to send all of the M1114 armored Humvees that the Army and Marines had to Iraq and order more.
The JLTV Applies Lessons Learned in Underbody Blast Protection
2019年11月2日 · This article briefly describes the recent history and theory of protecting occupants within armored ground vehicles against underbody blast (UBB) attacks while using the upcoming Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) (such as the one pictured in Figure 2) as a case study of a recent application of a truck designed to offer both high mobility and ...
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle. The Oshkosh-developed JLTV was selected for acquisition under the US military's Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program.
2019年8月21日 · Services intend JLTV to provide increased crew protection against IEDs and underbody attacks, improved mobility, and higher reliability than the HMMWV. • The JLTV FoV consists of two mission categories: the JLTV Combat Tactical Vehicle, designed to seat four passengers, Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Family of Vehicles (FoV)
美军“悍马终结者”服役 能防御RPG直接攻击 - 凤凰网
2019年3月20日 · jltv上配备的驾驶员综合显控面板,采用触屏化设计,其上面可以很清楚的显示jltv的整车燃料,过滤器,轮胎气压等车况,并能显示故障报错情况(图片来源于:网络)
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) is the Army and Marine Corps’ partial fleet replacement solution for the aging High-Mobility, Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). Until recently, JLTV was viewed as a materiel solution that might never come to fruition amidst significant challenges in meeting requirements necessary to
Military units will employ JLTV as a light tactical wheeled vehicle to support all types of military operations. JLTVs will be used by airborne, air assault, light, Stryker, and heavy forces as reconnaissance, maneuver, maneuver sustainment, and command and control platforms.
Lockheed Martin's JLTV Meets Mine-Resistant Vehicle Protection …
2011年10月6日 · Recent government blast tests demonstrated that Lockheed Martin's (NYSE:LMT) Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) meets protection standards for IED-protected vehicles, while weighing approximately...
战车先锋——美军轻型越野车简史 (下)|jltv_网易订阅
2017年12月16日 · 与悍马不同的是,jltv在敌对环境中生存能力更高,ied和伏击不至于对其造成太大的杀伤力。 具体的数据要求如下: ·可以在-40至52°C的温度范围内无障碍运行
Valanx Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) - Army Technology
2012年6月19日 · The joint light tactical vehicle (JLTV) is a new support vehicle programme being developed by the US forces, specifically the US Army, USSOCOM, and the Marine Corps. Valanx is powered by a Ford Power Stroke 6.7l turbocharged diesel engine.
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