Bo或将上场比赛?丨T1的COO去世了… - 知乎专栏
2021年7月16日 · T1教练团队变更始末. 最近一段时间T1和教练团队解约的事情闹得沸沸扬扬 ,也让很多粉丝们感到不解,网上有人整理出了T1教练团队变更始末,大家怎么看T1的行为呢? …
《英雄聯盟》南韓戰隊 T1 副營運長 John Kim 病逝,享年 41 歲
2021年7月17日 · 《英雄聯盟》南韓老牌戰隊 SK Telecom T1(T1)日前先拋出震撼彈,宣布與前 S10 世界冠軍 Damwon Gaming(DWG)教練梁大仁(Daney)和李載珉(Zefa)解約,沒想 …
T1’s COO John Kim dies - Dot Esports
2021年7月16日 · John Kim, the COO of South Korean esports organization T1, has passed away today after being hospitalized on July 7 due to health issue. He was working with the …
T1.COO:虽然粉丝给我们送卡车和花圈 但中国粉丝的热情令我惊讶
2024年9月20日 · Q:在T1工作的最大挑战是什么呢? T1.COO:我认为至今为止最大的挑战是前COO John KIM去世后,我接任了他的位置。 我能获得这个职位是因为他去世了,我不希望他 …
T1 (電競隊伍) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T1(韓語: 티원 )是一支韓國職業電子競技隊伍。該戰隊的前身是由Boxer於2002年所成立的Orion戰隊,後於2003年12月更名為Union,2004年,SK電訊開始贊助該戰隊,該戰隊亦更名 …
T1 COO, John Kim, dies following health struggles - Esports.gg
2021年7月16日 · Sadly, T1's COO, John Kim, has died earlier today after struggling with health issues since early July. A heartfelt message from T1 announced the passing of John Kim. The …
T1 thông báo tin buồn: Giám đốc vận hành của tổ chức qua đời …
Chiều 16/7, T1 thông báo COO (Giám đốc vận hành) của tổ chức qua đời vì bạo bệnh. Ông John Kim, tên thật là Kim Won Churl qua đời ở tuổi 41. Thông tin được đăng tải trên fanpage chính …
T1's COO, John Kim, dies following health issues - GINX TV
2021年7月16日 · South Korean esports organization T1, previously known as SK Telecom T1 or SKT T1, has lost their Chief Operating Officer (COO) today, on 16th July 2021. John Kim led …
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2023年1月4日 · The late John Kim, who would become my first COO at T1 before his death in 2021, took us around Korea and set up meetings with potential teams. While the trip was …
T1 - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
T1 is the first and only team in the LCK to have a perfect regular season, achieved during LCK 2022 Spring. T1 had a 26 series win streak over LCK 2022 Spring and MSI 2022, before …