Joseki - Sensei's Library
Joseki is an English loanword from Japanese, usually referring to standard sequences of moves played out in a corner that result in a locally even exchange. The term may also be used for sequences that occur in other parts of the board (sides and center) and at various stages in the game (opening, middle, and end), although such usage is ...
“芈氏飞刀”之叹:人类与AI的定式 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
首先,持“AI不走定式”看法的人肯定没看过AlphaGo Zero的论文;或者看了,但不知道joseki就是日语“定式”的意思。 实际上,论文里指明AlphaGo在训练过程中不仅“学会”了各种定式,还“发明”了一些新定式,并逐渐在定式的选择上形成了自己的偏好。
EidoGo - Go Games, Pattern Search, Joseki Tutor, SGF Editor
EidoGo is Open Source — Embed it in your website! Created by Justin Kramer. positions at adjacent corners and sides before choosing a joseki. The opposite corner matters only if a ladder is involved. Some. 1. Have support for a fight - A high position provides support, a low position does not. 2. Take the side with most value. 2a.
Jōseki - Wikipedia
In go and shōgi, a jōseki or jouseki (kanji characters 定石 for go, 定跡 for shōgi) is the studied sequences of moves for which the result is considered balanced for both black and white sides.
Waltheri's go pattern search - find position in pro games
Online search of joseki, fuseki and other positions and patterns in extensive database of professional go games.
Joseki Cat
Joseki Cat helps you memorize joseki. Click 'Edit' to enter the joseki you want to learn. Practice a little every day to keep your streak going!
Josekipedia Info
Josekipedia strives to be the most complete joseki resource on the planet, in both content and features. Free for the world to study, debate, contribute, and learn. Josekipedia can store an unlimited amount of joseki information. Sequences load dynamically from the server on demand, so the client loads fast.
3-4 point Josekis - Sensei's Library
3-4 Point Joseki are standard sequences of moves played around the 3-4 point that result in a locally even exchange. Joseki related to this position can be classified into approaches, enclosures, and attachments. A number of unusual joseki are also special strategies to deal with fuseki openings like the Chinese Fuseki.
Josekipedia - Sensei's Library
Josekipedia (http://www.josekipedia.com/) is an open and international community-contributed joseki database. It was created by Adam Miller (the creator of the goproblems.com). At the time of creation, it contained several new ideas for a joseki database, such as colour coding of moves, community voting on moves, and wrong lines.
A range of 253 joseki suitable for kyu players. And White extends here, limiting the Black potential as well as carving out massive central dominance.