JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
Jan 1, 2022 · - SEO enhancements, JPCSP website is now back to being the first result on Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and others, when searching for JPCSP. - Rewrite downloads system , it now automatically imports data and builds from JPCSP GitHub Actions, using the Workflow and Artifact GitHub APIs.
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
JPCSP is the first PSP emulator that is written in Java. Most people think Java is too slow, but the JPCSP team has proven us wrong. The newest Java versions are almost as fast as C which makes it very interesting for emu developers.
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable emulator written in Java. News Downloads Changelogs Compatibility Forum GitHub About. Windows 64-bit. cd20cf31: use specific x86 check: 2024-12-01: bb94cd4f: Fix Memory Viewer: 2024-06-04: 8c0136af: Add nid mapping for sceAtaCheckXferReady and sceAtaCheckPacketCmdComplete: 2024-05-16: dbaa4a00:
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
Jpcsp is still a Work in progress emulation. During it's lifetime , several improvements has been done and slowly but stable it's progressing. More games can now consider playable so here are some peak shots from PipeMania, Myst , Ultraman , Kazook , …
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
Feb 1, 2009 · While pcsp is way less advance than jpcsp is it kinda faster. It has a half finished plugin interface and can run a few demos. Be warned it CAN'T play commercial games yet!
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
Apr 30, 2010 · Latest fixes on jpcsp has fixed a few more games. Below are screenies from Silverfall , Pirates and Untold Legends - Brotherhood of Blade. Enjoy Thumbnails
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
Dec 28, 2009 · After some time jpcsp team decided to release jpcsp v0.4. It is an amazing week for PSP fans since PCSP emu released just a day ago (www.pcsp-emu.com) . Get our new release at our d/l section and
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable emulator written in Java. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords ULUS10225 U Nothing v0.2 rev945
JPCSP: Java PSP Emulator
JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable emulator written in Java. Title Serial Region Status Version Issues Screen