Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative – A rural electric cooperative ...
Hunting season brings outdoorspeople of all skill levels and experience into rural Kentucky, often to unfamiliar areas. While most hunters follow safe hunting practices, Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative (JPEC) wants…
Payment Options – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
You can manage your account, view and pay your bill, monitor your daily usage, report service issues and receive important JPEC notices including your bills and late notices … all in the palm of your hand!
About – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
JPEC is one of 24 rural electric distribution cooperatives in Kentucky, which together provide electricity for 1.5 million Kentuckians in 117 of Kentucky’s 120 counties. Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative was organized in 1937 and the first lines were energized in 1938.
Member Services – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
Our team of Member Service Representatives provide support and service to more than 23,000 consumer-members. We respond to requests related to billing, new service, tree trimming, power outages and more.
Contact – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative. 6525 US Highway 60 W Paducah, KY 42001. Toll-Free: 800-633-4044 Phone: 270-442-7321 Fax: 270-442-5337. Hours. Monday – Friday: 8am to 4pm
System Status – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
JPEC App. You can also report an outage through the JPEC App. Download for Apple Devices; Download for Android/Google Devices ; Outage Two-Way Texting. Reporting outages and getting updates has never been easier with two-way texting. You can now communicate with us via text during outages.
Apply for Service – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
Below are the JPEC specifications for some of the most commonly-used new services. Because each installation of electric service is unique, we can work with you on your specific situation. Please contact us if you have specific questions or a unique situation.
Rates – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
If a service disconnected for non-payment requires re-connection at a transformer, additional costs will be charged. See the JPEC tariff.
FAQs – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
There are three ways to add a payment extension to your account: 855-386-9920 option 2, our app – JPEC SmartHub or online at jpenergy.com. No payment arrangements will be honored if made on your account when it is pending disconnection for non-payment.
Net Metering and Solar – Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative
Net Metering is available to eligible member-generators in Jackson Purchase Energy Cooperative’s service territory, upon request, and on a first-come, first-served basis up to a cumulative capacity of 1% of JPEC’s single hour peak load in Kentucky during the previous year.