Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute is the principal journal of the oldest anthropological organization in the world. International in scope, we publish papers aimed at a …
JRA ネット投票
ただいまの時間は投票受付時間外です。 ・即patの受付時間はこちら ・a-patの受付時間はこちら ※受付時間にもかかわらず、この画面が表示される場合は、こちらの方法をお試しください …
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | Wiley
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute is the principal journal of the oldest anthropological organization in the world. International in scope, we publish papers aimed at a …
Journal list menu - Royal Anthropological Institute
<em>Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute</em> is a broad-scope anthropology journal covering social, linguistic and biological anthropology, and archaeology.
JRA日本中央競馬会の公式ホームページです。 出馬表、オッズ、払戻金、レース結果などの確認やインターネット投票が行え、また、全国の競馬場、ウインズのイベント情報など中央競馬 …
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute welcomes the submission of papers on any branch of anthropology. Further guidance on the aims and scope of the journal can be found …
About JRAI - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute is the principal journal of the oldest anthropological organization in the world. It has attracted and inspired some of the world’s …
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
JRAI has a new website at the RAI
Current issue - Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Indigenous, traditional, and folk sports: contesting modernities. 296 pp., illus., bibliogrs.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (formerly MAN) is our quarterly, with articles on all aspects of anthropology, as well as correspondence and a section of book reviews. Please …
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