Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV (三菱89式装甲戦闘車, Mitsubishi 89-shiki sōkō-sentō-sha) (89 FV) is a Japanese infantry fighting vehicle that entered service with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force in 1989. There were 58 vehicles in service as of 1999 and a total of 120 produced by 2014 with 300 planned.
List of equipment of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
Currently used by the JGSDF, the JMSDF, Japan National Defense Academy cadets, and JASDF Air Rescue Wings Pararescuemen. Second domestically designed pattern. Made from 50% cotton/50% vinylon or 70% vinylon/30% cotton. The earlier model had anti-IR/flame-resistant fabric, but the latter lacks the feature.
89式装甲戦闘車 - Wikipedia
89式装甲戦闘車 (はちきゅうしきそうこうせんとうしゃ、 Type 89 armored combat vehicle)は、 日本 の 陸上自衛隊 が運用する 歩兵戦闘車 (IFV)である [1][2]。 防衛省 は略称を 89FV (Fighting Vehicle)、広報向け愛称を ライトタイガー[4] としているが、部隊内では FV とも呼ばれる。 陸上自衛隊 が運用し、不整地でも高速な 戦車 に随伴する 装甲兵員輸送車 に 武装 と 装甲 を施した 車両 として開発された、 日本 初の 歩兵戦闘車 である [2]。
Japanese Type 89 IFV (1989) - tank-afv.com
The 三菱89式装甲戦闘車 Mitsubishi 89-shiki sōkō-sentō-sha is the first and only JSDGF infantry fighting vehicle (IFV). It was required as a Japanese version of the American Bradley, but other European vehicles like the German Puma were also considered.
Type 89 | War Thunder Wiki
The Type 89 IFV (89式装甲戦闘車) entered service with the JSDF in 1989. It supplements the APCs that preceded it, such as the Type 60 APC, Type 73 APC and other wheeled APCs, which were vulnerable without tank support. The Type 89 IFV was developed from 1980 to 1989, when it was officially adopted.
No Replacement? Japan’s Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
2024年1月19日 · The Type 89 IFV firing its cannon (photo: JGSDF) Still, the Type 89 is a standard IFV commonly seen in western countries, with a 35mm cannon and two Type 79 anti-tank missiles capable of defeating not only enemy tanks, but also landing crafts as well.
Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full specifications and history
The Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is the only tracked IFV in service with the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force. Due to Japanese policy on not exporting military technology, the vehicle has not been offered for export, despite being a very capable IFV, which has driven the vehicles manufacturing price up.
Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV is a Japanese tracked infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) in service with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) since 1989. A total of 68 Type 89 infantry fighting vehicles were manufactured between 1989 and 2004 …
Type 89 IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) - Military Factory
2019年8月20日 · In keeping with developments in the West, the island nation of Japan moved to adopt a modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) for its Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF). Work on a new vehicle began in 1980 to which four prototypes were delivered by 1984.
Type 89 IFV @ The World Wars.net
Type 89 IFV (JGSDF) Following the development of the Type SU 60 and Type 73 APCs, the next step towards the modernization of the JGSDF was the introduction of a mechanized infantry combat vehicle, the Type 89 .