Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology | Oxford Academic
The Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology seeks submissions for a special issue on "Advances in Survey Paradata." Learn more about the topic and submit your paper through May 16, 2025. An official journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Publishes cutting edge scholarly articles on statistical and methodological.
General Instructions | Journal of Survey Statistics and …
The Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology publishes articles on statistical and methodological issues for sample surveys, censuses, administrative record systems, and other related data.
• JSSAM’s impact factor increased in 2022, coming from 1.957 to 2.446, with rankings of 23/53 in Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods and 29/125 in Statistics and Probability (improving from the corresponding 2020 rankings of 29/52 and 46/125). • JSSAM received 164 new submissions in 2022, similar to 2021 (Table 1). An additional
Collecting Objective Measures of Visual and Auditory Function in a ...
Feb 14, 2021 · Using these pilot study data, the objectives of this paper are to: (1) describe the NHATS protocols to collect objective measures of visual and auditory function; (2) evaluate the quality of the data collected; and (3) assess whether results are influenced by interviewers.
联合空面防区外导弹 - 百度百科
联合空面防区外导弹(JASSM)计划始于1996年。 4月确定了 设计方案。 它是一种采用 涡轮喷气发动机 的隐形对陆攻击 空面导弹,带有弹翼,射程500公里。 导弹采用中段 惯性制导 加 GPS 修正,配有 红外成像 末 导引头,能够 自动识别 目标。 正在研制两种型号,一种带有子弹药,一种带有硬目标穿透 战斗部。 防区外导弹将成为军事大国21世纪占优势的主导武器装备。 它具有灵活反应、快速攻击的特点,它的射程将达到500千米, 命中精度 3米,具有隐身特性、很强的 抗 …
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
The Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, sponsored by AAPOR and the American Statistical Association, began publishing in 2013. Its objective is to publish cutting edge scholarly articles on statistical and methodological issues for sample surveys, censuses, administrative record systems, and other related data.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology - Oxford Academic
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025, Pages 39–65, https://doi.org/10.1093/jssam/smae035
《Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology》 - 爱科学
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology杂志网站提供期刊影响因子、JCR和中科院分区查询,SCI期刊投稿经验,Impact Factor(IF),官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊中科院分区等信息,供科研工作者投稿前参考。
Manuscript Submission - Oxford Academic
The Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology accepts submissions through ScholarOne Manuscripts, our online submission system. On ScholarOne Manuscripts’ login page, the link entitled "User Tutorials" will provide authors with detailed descriptions of the features of ScholarOne Manuscripts and guide them through the submission process.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology Call for Editors
Jul 10, 2023 · JSSAM’s objective is to publish cutting-edge scholarly articles on statistical and methodological issues for sample surveys, censuses, administrative record systems, and other related data. It aims to be the flagship journal for research on survey statistics and methodology.
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