Junkers Ju85 - bplaced
2020年11月22日 · Junkers Ju85 Windchannel Model. Several sources reference a Junkers Ju85 design, also the RLM Type Allocator List did so. However, the correct allocation of this designator is not ensured today. The designator Ju85 is used in connection with a parallel design to the Junkers Ju88, which was started in 1938.
Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works. It was used extensively during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe and became one of …
Junkers Ju 85 bomber project - Axis History Forum
2022年2月19日 · The initial Ju 85 design of the mid-1930s had a tail-mounted 7.92-caliber MG 15 machine gun, and was most probably designed for the 1934 bomber destroyer/heavy fighter competition that was won by the Messerschmitt Bf 110, but never made it to the hardware phase.
Junkers Ju 85 – Wikipedia
Bei dem Projekt Junkers Ju 85 handelt es sich um den Entwurf eines zweimotorigen Schnellbombers auf Basis der Junkers Junkers Ju 88.
德国空军1935-1939 年双引擎重型战斗机(上) - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月26日 · Do 29 设计于 1935 年 2 月提交,是 1934 年底 RLM 战斗机中队需求的失败竞争者之一。 除了机翼位置较低、全玻璃双人驾驶舱高于机身轮廓、坚固的机头共安装有六挺固定前射机枪、机枪位置位于驾驶舱后部(B 型机座)等细微差别外,它无法否认其与 1934 年的早期 Do 17的直接血统。 相比,它的尺寸与 Ju 88 的前身容克斯 Ju 85 大小差不多。 在完成模型之后,该提案并未获得 RLM 的原型建造批准,并且该项目的设计工作于 1936 年初被下令停止。 …
Junkers Ju 85 Bomber project - wehrmacht-history.com
The Junkers Ju 85 was a twin engines multi purpose military monoplane of 1934 not built supplanted by Ju 88 design
Germany Junkers Aircraft - Nevington War Museum
Junkers J 1, (no military designation) world's first-ever full metal-structure aircraft, 1915. Junkers J 2, (no military designation) experimental all-metal single seater, designed as fighter, 1916. Junkers J 3, mid-wing monoplane, cancelled before completion, first proposed corrugated-skin duralumin design.
Junkers Ju 85 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Junkers Ju 85 fue un avión de combate táctico diseñado por la compañía aeronáutica alemana Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG a mediados o finales de la década de 1930.
2020年5月5日 · 为了保险起见,容克容克斯推出了两种方案,其中一种是Ju.85,另外一种就是Ju.88。 其实在设计该项目当中,容克斯公司深知自己的短处,自身在应力蒙皮单翼机方面是极度的缺乏经验,而容克斯公司对该项目也是尤为的看重,就特意聘请了两名美国在这方面 ...
Junkers Ju 85 — Wikipédia
Le Junkers Ju 85 était un avion de chasse tactique conçu par la compagnie aérienne allemande Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG du milieu à la fin des années 1930.
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