Junkers Ju 87 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 87, popularly known as the " Stuka ", [b] is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe 's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 and served the Axis in World War II from beginning to end (1939–1945).
Ju 87 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Ju 87 シュトゥーカ (Junkers Ju 87 Stuka )は、 ドイツ の ユンカース 社が開発し、 第二次世界大戦 中に ドイツ空軍 などで運用された 急降下爆撃機 である。 愛称の「シュトゥーカ」(Stuka)とは、本来は本機種の固有の愛称ではなく、“急降下爆撃機”を意味する ドイツ語 の「Stu rz ka mpfflugzeug」(シュトゥ ルツ・ カ ンプ・フルークツォイク)の略であったが、本機がドイツ軍の用いた急降下爆撃機の代表として扱われたため、この名が用いられるように …
Ju 87俯冲轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ju 87俯冲轰炸机 (德语: Junkers Ju 87)是 第二次世界大战 纳粹德国空军 投入使用的一种 俯冲轰炸机,一般通称“ 斯图卡 ”(Stuka),取自俯冲轰炸机的德文写法“ Stu rz ka mpfflugzeug”的缩写,由 容克斯公司 研制。 Ju 87俯冲轰炸机最容易辨认的特征就是它那双弯曲的鸥翼型机翼、固定式的起落架及其独有低沉的尖啸声。 这种飞机从1935年就开始在 西班牙内战 中投入实战,并在二战初期德军所发动的 闪电战 中取得非常大的战果,除了能精准的打击地面目标外,还配备了用 …
Ju 87G Tank Buster - WW2 Weapons
The Ju 87G was a specialized anti-tank version, fitted with two BK 3.7 (Flak 18) guns hung under the wings just outboard of the landing gears. This 37-mm-gun was a formidable weapon weighting over 363 kg (800 lb) and in wide service as ground-based Flak (anti-aircraft artillery) equipment.
Junkers Ju87G-2 - RAF Museum
The Ju87 was one of the most feared aircraft during World War Two. Its fixed undercarriage and cranked wing gave the Ju87 an evil appearance and the scream of its ‘Trumpets of Jericho’ sirens as it dived helped to spread terror amongst both soldiers and civilians.
Junkers Ju 87G Kanonenvogel - War History
2020年11月7日 · The G-2 was similar to the G-1 except for use of the extended wing of the D-5. 208 G-2s were built and at least a further 22 more were converted from D-3 airframes. Only a handful of production Gs were committed in the Battle of Kursk.
Ju 87俯衝轟炸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Ju 87俯衝轟炸機 (德語: Junkers Ju 87)是 第二次世界大戰 納粹德國空軍 投入使用的一種 俯衝轟炸機,一般通稱「斯圖卡」(Stuka),取自俯衝轟炸機的德文寫法「Stu rz ka mpfflugzeug」的縮寫,由 容克斯公司 研製。 Ju 87俯衝轟炸機最容易辨認的特徵就是它那雙彎曲的鷗翼型機翼、固定式的起落架及其獨有低沉的尖嘯聲。 這種飛機從1935年就開始在 西班牙內戰 中投入實戰,並在二戰初期德軍所發動的 閃電戰 中取得非常大的戰果,除了能精準的打擊地面目標外,還配備 …
Junkers Ju 87G-2 | Plane Dave
2021年5月17日 · To get planes built and into service fast, the Ju 87G-1 was converted from a Ju 87D-3; while the Ju 87G-2 was rebuilt from a Ju 87D-5. Both sub-types involved removing dive flaps, all bomb racks and apparatus, and wing mounted armament.
Unleashing Destruction: The Junkers Ju 87 G-2 Kanonenvogel …
The Junkers Ju 87 G-2 Kanonenvogel, also known as the "Cannon Bird," was a specialized variant of the famous Stuka dive-bomber used by the German Luftwaffe during World War II. This powerful aircraft was specifically designed to engage armored ground targets, employing a fixed forward-firing 37mm BK 3,7 cannon.
Ju 87 G-2 - War Thunder
Regarded highly by famed German ace Hans-Ulrich Rudel, the Ju 87 G is one of the deadliest ground attack aircraft in War Thunder. Building upon the classic "Stuka" design, German engineers fitted a pair of Bordkanone 37 mm cannons to early Ju 87 D models, creating a beast.
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