Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works. It was used extensively during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe and became one of …
Ju 88轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
容克斯Ju 88 (Junkers Ju 88)是 第二次世界大戰 時 納粹德國空軍 所使用的雙活塞式引擎中型軍用機,從1939年開始服役到1945年。 於1930年代中期由 容克斯飛機與發動機製造廠 的總設計師 胡戈·容克斯 親手設計出來。 Ju 88是納粹德國空軍在二次大戰期間所使用的標準戰鬥用飛機之一。 在戰爭中擔任過許多不同的任務,被暱稱為 全方位工作機,又被稱為 萬能博士。 它在大戰期間成功地服務於多種目標,是用途最廣泛的飛機之一。 最初目標是作為快速 轟炸機 與 俯衝轟炸機。
德国人的万能博士——JU-88 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这是一架 悬臂式下单翼的双引擎中型轰炸机,由两台 戴姆勒奔驰DB 600 液冷发动机提供动力,起飞时额定功率为1000马力,当然从V3之后的原型机用的是 Jumo-211,功率为1200匹马力。 (再之后用的BMW-801和Jumo-213都有,那是之后的事情了。 然后,从V2开始,重新改造了装有DB 600Aa的发动机短舱,并拆除了下方的散热器,代之以环形的散热器。 所以 看起来它的液冷发动机不是尖的,而类似于气冷发动机的样子,并且沿用到之后的生产型JU-88上了。 本来飞机挺流 …
容克-88轰炸机 - 百度百科
1939年9月26日,赫尔姆特波勒(HelmutPohle)上尉率领隶属第30轰炸机联队的4架Ju-88,于13:00(下午1时)自瑟特(SYI日岛威斯特兰(Westerland)机场出发,攻击由战列舰“ 胡德 ”(Hood)号、“声望”(Renown)号以及 航空母舰 “皇家方舟”号(ArkRoyal)所组成的小型舰队。 除一枚炸弹擦过“胡德“号且未爆炸之外,英国舰队毫发未损,可是驾驶Ju-88的 一等兵 卡罗弗兰克却宣称其所投掷的500公斤炸弹命中了皇家方舟号。 于是纳粹宣传单位添油加醋地发表“皇家 …
Ju 88轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Apr 7, 2010 · 容克斯Ju 88 (Junkers Ju 88)是 第二次世界大战 时 纳粹德国空军 所使用的双活塞式引擎中型军用机,从1939年开始服役到1945年。 于1930年代中期由 容克斯飞机与发动机制造厂 的总设计师 胡戈·容克斯 亲手设计出来。 Ju 88是纳粹德国空军在二次大战期间所使用的标准战斗用飞机之一。 在战争中担任过许多不同的任务,被昵称为 全方位工作机,又被称为 万能博士。 它在大战期间成功地服务于多种目标,是用途最广泛的飞机之一。 最初目标是作为快速 轰炸机 …
Junkers Ju 88 Schnellbomber - Aviation History
The Ju 88A-4 retained the Jumo 211B-1 engines, but the Ju 88A-4/R which began production in 1942 switched to 1,440 hp (1,075 kw) Jump 211J engines. The maximum load was increased to 31,000 lbs (14,050 kg), but due to the added weight, the maximum speed was reduced to 273 mph (440 km/h).
Junkers Ju88R-1 - RAF Museum
The Ju88 was the most versatile German combat aircraft in World War Two. It began life as a bomber, became a night fighter and intruder; undertook anti-shipping operations and flew long-range reconnaissance missions. It is one of the truly great multi-role combat aircraft.
Junkers Ju 88 - World History Encyclopedia
May 6, 2024 · The Junkers Ju 88 was a two-engined medium bomber plane used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) throughout the Second World War (1939-45). Ju 88s were involved in the Battle of Britain and London Blitz as bombers, but this versatile aircraft saw action in many other theatres of the war, primarily as a dive bomber and a night fighter.
Ju 88 | Worth a Thousand Words - Air Diagrams - RAF Museum
One of the most versatile combat aircraft of the Second World War, the Junkers Ju88 was originally designed as a medium bomber but its high speed and agreeable handling characteristics saw it usefully employed in the intruder, reconnaissance, anti …
Junkers Ju-88 Series - War History
Jun 10, 2020 · The Ju 88 was the most numerous and versatile German bomber of World War II. It was grafted to every conceivable purpose, and even served as the lower half of a primitive guide missile! In 1935 the German Air Ministry announced specifications for a new, twin-engine Schnellbomber (fast bomber).
第三帝国的万能博士,Ju 88轰炸机 - 百家号
May 1, 2022 · Ju 88的最大优势是其最高时速超过500公里/小时,可与当时最新款战斗机相媲美。 高达3吨的载弹量是He 111和Do 17的1.5-2倍,使它能够在一次出击中破坏性更大。
Junkers Ju 88 – Specifications, Facts, Drawings, Blueprints
Mar 29, 2013 · The most adaptable German warplane of World War 2, and among the most widely used, the Junkers Ju 88 was evolved to a 1937 requirement issued by the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) for a fast, well-armed multi-purpose aeroplane. Originally prototyped as a civilian transport, the Ju 88 could carry three to six crewmembers and a …
Junkers Ju 88 Medium Bomber / Multi-Role Aircraft - Military Factory
Jul 18, 2018 · The Junkers Ju 88 formed a third of the German Luftwaffe medium bomber triad of World War 2 (1939-1945) and, like its sister aircraft, the Dornier Do 17 and the Heinkel He 111, went on to be developed for a myriad of battlefield roles that went far beyond her original categorization of "fast bomber".
Junkers Ju 88R - HistoryOfWar.org
The Ju 88R was an improved fighter version of the Ju 88, based around the use of 1,700hp BMW 801A radial engines. These had been reserved for use in the Fw 190, but by the end of 1942 the increased pace of British bombing made the night fighters more important.
Junkers Ju 88 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht
Junkers Ju 88 R-Reihe. Da die Maschinen der C-Reihe im fortgeschrittenen Stadium des Krieges den Anforderungen der Nachtjagd nicht mehr genügten, wurde aus der »Ju 88 C-6« eine neue Nachtjagdvariante, die »Ju 88 R« entwickelt. Bei grundsätzlich gleichem Aufbau unterschied sie sich durch die Verwendung von BMW 801-Motoren und einer ...
Junkers Ju 88 – Wikipedia
Die Junkers Ju 88 war ein zweimotoriges Flugzeug mit Kolbenmotoren der Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke (JFM), das von 1939 bis 1945 in großer Stückzahl produziert wurde. Die Ju 88 war eines der Standard-Kampfflugzeuge der Luftwaffe des Deutschen Reiches.
Junkers Ju 88 - The Battle of Britain Historical Timeline
The Ju 88 was a low-wing cantilever monoplane of all-metal stressed skin construction. It was selected ahead of other designs submitted by rival companies Focke-Wulf, Henschel, and Messerschmitt. The first prototype, the Ju 88V1, made its maiden flight on 21 December 1936, powered by twin Daimler-Benz DB 600A inline engines with annular radiators.
Junkers Ju 88 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined four-seat multi-role combat aircraft roduced by the German manufacturer Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG. The Ju 88 was used by the German Luftwaffe as a medium bomber, dive bomber, heavy fighter, night fighter, torpedo bomber and as a reconnaissance aircraft.
Junkers Ju 88 - LuftArchiv.de
Dennoch wurde die Ju 88 bald zum Alleskönner. Ob für normale Kampfeinsätze oder im Sturz, ob zur Fernaufklärung, zum Torpedowurf und schließlich auch für die Nachtjagd wurden eigene Ausführungen entwickelt und in Großserien gebaut, wobei auch viele andere Werke, ja sogar die der Konkurrenz wie Dornier und Heinkel, sowie viele Zulieferer ...
The design and evolution of the Junkers Ju 88 - Key.Aero
Initially envisaged as a dive bomber with a crew of three, the Junkers Ju 88 became operational in September 1939 and was first seen over Great Britain on October 16, 1939. It then served throughout the war in all theatres in many different roles, including night-fighter, long-range intruder, tank-buster, reconnaissance and torpedo bomber.