Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works. It was used extensively during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe and became one of …
容克-88轰炸机 - 百度百科
1939年9月26日,赫尔姆特波勒(HelmutPohle)上尉率领隶属第30轰炸机联队的4架Ju-88,于13:00(下午1时)自瑟特(SYI日岛威斯特兰(Westerland)机场出发,攻击由战列舰“ 胡德 ”(Hood)号、“声望”(Renown)号以及 航空母舰 “皇家方舟”号(ArkRoyal)所组成的小型舰队。 除一枚炸弹擦过“胡德“号且未爆炸之外,英国舰队毫发未损,可是驾驶Ju-88的 一等兵 卡罗弗兰克却宣称其所投掷的500公斤炸弹命中了皇家方舟号。 于是纳粹宣传单位添油加醋地发表“皇家 …
Junkers Ju88R-1 - RAF Museum
The Ju88 was the most versatile German combat aircraft in World War Two. It began life as a bomber, became a night fighter and intruder; undertook anti-shipping operations and flew long-range reconnaissance missions. It is one of the truly great multi-role combat aircraft.
Junkers Ju-88 Series - War History
2020年6月10日 · The Ju 88 was the most numerous and versatile German bomber of World War II. It was grafted to every conceivable purpose, and even served as the lower half of a primitive guide missile! In 1935 the German Air Ministry announced specifications for a new, twin-engine Schnellbomber (fast bomber).
Junkers Ju 88 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Junkers Ju 88 was a World War II German Luftwaffe twin-engine, multi-role aircraft. Designed by Hugo Junkers' company in the mid-1930s to be a so-called Schnellbomber which would be too fast...
Ju 88轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
容克斯Ju 88 (Junkers Ju 88)是 第二次世界大戰 時 納粹德國空軍 所使用的雙活塞式引擎中型軍用機,從1939年開始服役到1945年。 於1930年代中期由 容克斯飛機與發動機製造廠 的總設計師 胡戈·容克斯 親手設計出來。 Ju 88是納粹德國空軍在二次大戰期間所使用的標準戰鬥用飛機之一。 在戰爭中擔任過許多不同的任務,被暱稱為 全方位工作機,又被稱為 萬能博士。 它在大戰期間成功地服務於多種目標,是用途最廣泛的飛機之一。 最初目標是作為快速 轟炸機 與 俯衝轟炸機。
Junkers Ju 88 Schnellbomber - Aviation History
The captured RAF Ju 88R-1 was a night-fighter version that was flown from Norway to Scotland in May 1943 after two members of its crew were persuaded to defect by British Secret Service agents. This aircraft was equipped with the latest FuG 202 Lichtenstein BC A.I radar.
Junkers Ju 88 - World History Encyclopedia
2024年5月6日 · The Junkers Ju 88 was a two-engined medium bomber plane used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) throughout the Second World War (1939-45). Ju 88s were involved in the Battle of Britain and London Blitz as bombers, but this versatile aircraft saw action in many other theatres of the war, primarily as a dive bomber and a night fighter. Design ...
【参考资料】二战德空的万能轰炸机——Ju 88轰炸机 - 知乎
1943年5月9日,驻挪威的第3夜战联队的一架Ju 88R叛逃英国,在航程末端还得到英军战斗机的护航,表明这次行动是早有预谋的,这是德国空军在战争中的少数几次叛逃行动之一,这架飞机至今仍在博物馆中展出。
Junkers Ju 88 - Warbirds Resource Group
The Ju 88C was originally intended as a fighter-bomber and heavy fighter by adding fixed, forward-firing guns to the nose while retaining some bomb carrying ability of the A-series bomber. The C-series had a solid metal nose, and retained the A-series style vertical tail, while omitting the ventral Bola gondola under the crew compartment.
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