Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 88 is a twin-engined multirole combat aircraft designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers Aircraft and Motor Works. It was used extensively during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe and became one of …
Ju-88 P Heavy Anti-tank Attack Aircraft - AirPages
The interest of the Wehrmacht command in the creation of an anti-tank aircraft capable of hitting the armor of KV-1 and T-34 tanks forced them to look for an opportunity to install a 75-mm VK 7.5 cannon on the Ju-88.
Junkers Ju88 - bplaced
2020年11月22日 · Junkers Ju88V1 Prototype. The Junkers Ju88 was one of two designs, which were developed according to the third RLM request of 1935 for a quick bomber aircraft. The developement was started under the designator EF59. Parallel designs for the RLM request were the Henschel Hs127 and the Messerschmitt Bf162.
Ju 88P-1 “Tank Buster” - ICM Holding
2024年1月18日 · In the summer of 1942, a decision was made to convert a small batch of Ju 88A-4 bombers into anti-tank versions, later they received the designation Ju 88P-1. In the large ventral gondola of these aircraft was a 75-mm PaK 40L anti-tank gun (also known as BK 7.5) with an electro-pneumatic loading system, the gondola in an extreme situation could ...
德国人的万能博士——JU-88 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这是一架 悬臂式下单翼的双引擎中型轰炸机,由两台 戴姆勒奔驰DB 600 液冷发动机提供动力,起飞时额定功率为1000马力,当然从V3之后的原型机用的是 Jumo-211,功率为1200匹马力。 (再之后用的BMW-801和Jumo-213都有,那是之后的事情了。 然后,从V2开始,重新改造了装有DB 600Aa的发动机短舱,并拆除了下方的散热器,代之以环形的散热器。 所以 看起来它的液冷发动机不是尖的,而类似于气冷发动机的样子,并且沿用到之后的生产型JU-88上了。 本来飞机挺流 …
Junkers Ju 88 - plane-crazy.k-hosting.co.uk
Ju88 PV1 was the prototype, a m odified A4, and powered by Jumo 211J engines while the JU 88 P1 was its production variant. The Ju 88 P2s were A4 conversions as were the Ju 88 P3s but they incorporated increased armour and Jumo 211H engines.
Ju 88P-1 'Tank Buster', ICM 48228 (2024) - Scalemates
ICM model kit in scale 1:48, 48228 is a rebox released in 2024 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Junkers Ju 88 | EAN: 4823044410194
战机科普:JU88 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月2日 · 容克斯Ju 88 ( Junkers Ju 88 )是第二次世界大战时纳粹德国空军(Luftwaffe)所使用的双活塞式引擎中型军用机,从1939年开始服役到1945年。于1930年代中期由容克斯飞机与发动机制造厂的总设计师胡戈·容克斯(Hugo Junkers)亲手设计出来。
Ju 88轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ju 88V1原型機; 民間代號 「D-AQEN」,於1936年12月21日進行首飛,由 赫爾曼·戈林 負責駕駛,首飛速度可達580 km/h(360 mph),這讓德國空軍對其優秀性能感到興奮。 他們希望Ju 88可以成為德國空軍夢寐以求的 快速轟炸機。 它的機身外型極其流線型與 Do 17轟炸機 的設計概念及其類似,這讓它的飛行速度優於1930s年代晚期的戰鬥機,讓它藉由高速的優勢可以迅速的擺脫敵機的追擊,故Ju 88並未太注意武裝系統方面。 在1939年3月,第5架原型機創下了以掛 …
第三帝国的万能博士,Ju 88轰炸机 - 百家号
2022年5月1日 · Ju 88的最大优势是其最高时速超过500公里/小时,可与当时最新款战斗机相媲美。 高达3吨的载弹量是He 111和Do 17的1.5-2倍,使它能够在一次出击中破坏性更大。
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