Juan Cui - Computer Science and Engineering
Cui J, Liang YC, Xu Y (2012) Systems biology in the frontier of cancer research: a report on the Second International Workshop of Cancer Systems Biology. Chin J Cancer.
Juan Cui - Google Scholar
J Cui, Y Yin, Q Ma, G Wang, V Olman, Y Zhang, WC Chou, CS Hong, ... X Chen, B Liu, X Li, TT An, Y Zhou, G Li, J Wu‐Smart, S Alvarez, ... A diet defined by its content of bovine milk...
Juan Cui | Complex Biosystems PhD Program | Nebraska
Computational and systems biology, bioinformatics, cancer informatics, data mining and machine learning. [top] Education and Training: • Assistant research scientist/group leader in cancer …
崔娟 Juan Cui | Micro Nano Robotics Lab
Juan Cui, Huaping Wang*, Qing Shi, Tao Sun, Qiang Huang and Toshio Fukuda. Vascularized 3D tissue-like constructs engineered by on-chip hydrodynamic-driven assembly of multicellular …
Investigator | Systems Biology and Biomedical Informatics …
Juan Cui, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). She earned her Ph.D. in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics …
薛晨阳课题组 - xlabhub.com
[8] Juan Cui, Huaping Wang*, Qing Shi, Tao Sun, Qiang Huang and Toshio Fukuda. Vascularized 3D tissue-like constructs engineered by on-chip hydrodynamic-driven assembly of multicellular …
Juan Cui | School of Computing | Nebraska
Associate Professor School of Computing [email protected] 402-472-5023 122E Avery Hall http://cse.unl.edu/~jcui/ http://cse-apps.unl.edu/facdb/users/54/details.
Faculty Feature: Juan Cui - University of Nebraska–Lincoln
2024年2月28日 · This year, I am teaching CSCE 471/871: Introduction to Bioinformatics, and the advanced course CSCE 971: Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics. …
Juan CUI | Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing | BIT
Juan Cui currently works at the Department of Mechanics, Beijing Institute of Technology. Juan does research in micro/nano robotic manipulation for tissue Engineering, Bioengineering and ...
CSE Colloquium Presents Dr. Juan Cui | Announce | University of ...
2014年2月5日 · Dr. Juan Cui is an assistant professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Before joining UNL, she was a research assistant with the Department of …