Halfling, Jungle - 5th Edition SRD
Natives of the thickest forests and hottest jungles, jungle halflings build no cities and regard the ways of civilization with suspicion. They are the undisputed masters of stealth and woodcraft, using the terrain of their chosen homeland to easily avoid larger enemies.
UA:Jungle Halflings - D&D Wiki
2010年12月29日 · Jungle Halflings. Jungle halfings live a much more settled life than their normal counterparts do. They build villages along rivers and burn clearings in the jungle to plant their crops. In addition, they gather the most abundant food source in their environment, fish, and hunt with poison-tipped weapons.
Wild halfling - Forgotten Realms Wiki
The wild halflings lived in small tribes in the jungles of Far Payit, separate from the native humans. They had a primitive, hunter-gatherer society, and each tribe is ruled by a chief, who made decisions alone.
UA:Jungle Halflings | Dungeons and Dragons Wiki | Fandom
Jungle halfings live a much more settled life than their normal counterparts do. They build villages along rivers and burn clearings in the jungle to plant their crops. In addition, they gather the most abundant food source in their environment, fish, and hunt with poison-tipped weapons.
Environmental Racial Variants - d20srd.org
Jungle Halflings. Jungle Halflings live a much more settled life than their normal counterparts do. They build villages along rivers and burn clearings in the jungle to plant their crops. In addition, they gather the most abundant food source in their environment, fish, and hunt with poison-tipped weapons. Racial Traits
Variant Races Index - d20srd.org
Water Halflings; Water Orcs; Half Races. Fire Half-Elves; Water Half-Orcs; Reducing Level Adjustments. Experience Point Cost; Racial Paragon Classes. Subraces And Paragon Classes; Paragon Classes In Your Game; Drow Paragon; Dwarf Paragon; Elf Paragon; Gnome Paragon; Half-Dragon Paragon; Half-Elf Paragon; Half-Orc Paragon; Halfling Paragon ...
All the Different Types of Halflings - EN World
2003年6月18日 · - Anchorome Halfling: Tribal halflings from the continent north of Maztica, similar to Native Americans in culture. - Ghostwise: See FRCS 3E and 'Races of Faerun'. - Lightfoot: See MM. - Maztican Halfling: Savages who live in the jungles …
Halfling Species in Aolara - World Anvil
Jungle halflings are the smallest halfling family, with lithe, muscular builds perfect for traversing arduous jungle terrain. They have mastered the art of camouflage and are nearly invisible amongst the jungle vegetation. Jungle halflings are extremely rare, their settlements are so isolated that very few have met or even know of their existence.
Halfling - Dark Sun Wiki
Jungle flourish in rains that never reach the Tablelands or the Sea of Silt. There life is abundant, the foliage thick and untamed. The undisputed rulers of these jungles are the halflings. A wiry halfling is a very short humanoid, standing no more than 3 1/2 feet in height.
Halfling - d20srd.org
Halflings prefer to fight defensively, usually hiding and launching ranged attacks as the foe approaches. Their tactics are very much like those of elves but place more emphasis on cover and concealment and less on mobility.
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