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A shared fate for nuclear and cytosolic inclusions
2023年4月20日 · A study now shows that the cytosolic juxtanuclear quality control (JUNQ) and intranuclear quality control (INQ) compartments face each other on opposite sides of the nuclear envelope before their...
Confinement to Organelle-Associated Inclusion Structures Mediates ...
2012年10月25日 · Here, we show that misfolded proteins are retained in the mother cell by being sequestered in juxtanuclear quality control compartment (JUNQ) and insoluble protein deposit (IPOD) inclusions, which are attached to organelles.
JUNQ and IPOD - Wikipedia
JUNQ and IPOD are types of cytosolic protein inclusion bodies in eukaryotes. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's, are associated and correlated with protein aggregation and accumulation of misfolded proteins in inclusion bodies.
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题目编号 标题 解决/提交 通过率; 1005: 送分题-A+B Problem
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主板的BIOS中储存着重要的硬件数据,同时BIOS也是主板中比较脆弱的部分,极易受到破坏,一旦受损就会导致系统无法运行,出现此类故障一般是因为主板BIOS被CIH病毒破坏造成 (当然也不排除主板本身故障导致系统无法运行。 )。 一般BIOS被病毒破坏后硬盘里的数据将全部丢失,所以我们可以通过检测硬盘数据是否完好来判断BIOS是否被破坏,如果硬盘数据完好无损,那么还有三种原因会造成开机无显示的现象:
OJ(Online Judge)系统汇总 - CSDN博客
2024年12月16日 · 网站题库包括但不限于历年的 noip 初赛、复赛试题,各省省选、NOI真题、USACO月赛题等等。 尤其对noip初赛试题提供在线打分功能,方便选手进行自我估测。 此外包含专业训练区,包括从入门到NOI各个等级的专区训练。 针对信竞赛知识点,专门的分类可以进行针对性的练习。 牛客不定期特邀金牌选手进行直播授课,并且只收一分钱。 更有效的帮助所有选手全面提高水平。 自2017问世以来,共举办比赛数百场,比赛题目上千道,比赛参赛人数20万 …
Frontiers | Clearing the JUNQ: the molecular machinery for ...
2024年8月20日 · Soluble misfolded proteins in the cytoplasm are trafficked into the juxtanuclear quality control compartment (JUNQ), and nuclear proteins are sequestered into the intranuclear quality control compartment (INQ). However, the mechanisms that control the formation, localization, and degradation of these compartments are unknown.