Welcome to Jūrmala - Official Tourism site - visitjurmala.lv
Remember to buy Jūrmala entry pass. More! On the beach of Majori, at the end of Tirgoņu Street, there is a large-format inscription JURMALA. ... The landscape park of Kemeri with a network …
Jūrmala - Wikipedia
Jūrmala (Latvian: [ˈjuːrmala] ⓘ; "seaside") is a state city in the Vidzeme region of Latvia, about 25 kilometres (16 miles) west of Riga. Jūrmala is a resort town stretching 32 km (20 miles) and is …
Jūrmala, Latvia: What to See, Where to Go, What to Know | On …
Jūrmala (pop. 51 000) is the largest resort in the Baltic States, located next to Riga. Jūrmala is a peninsula between a famous wide sandy beach of the Riga Gulf and Lielupe river. It was the …
Jurema Águas Quentes
Conceituado como um Family Resort, ele conta com piscinas, bares, restaurantes e atividades para todas as idades. Ao todo, são 184 opções de acomodações decoradas em estilo …
Jūrmala — Vikipēdija
Jūrmala ir Latvijas valstspilsēta un lielākā kūrortpilsēta, [4] apmēram 25 kilometrus uz rietumiem no Rīgas. Pilsētas platība ir 100 km 2. Jūrmala 24 km garumā stiepjas gar Rīgas līci un …
About Jūrmala - Official Tourism site - visitjurmala.lv
Jūrmala is the biggest resort city on the shores of the Baltic Sea in a comfortable geographical location – just twenty kilometres from the capital of Latvia, Riga, and in several hours ride in a …
TOP10 objects in Jūrmala - Official Tourism site - visitjurmala.lv
Today, the 24-kilometre-long Jūrmala seashore, with its silky quartz sand and 11 well-maintained beaches, is a tempting destination for both local and foreign tourists. Sea in Jūrmala is shallow …
JURMA : Jurnal Program Mahasiswa Kreatif - Kemenag
JURMA : Jurnal Program Mahasiswa Kreatif. Published by Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
Sākumlapa | Jūrmalas valstspilsētas pašvaldība - jurmala.lv
Mākslas stacija “Dubulti” aicina apmeklēt līdz šim vērienīgāko Diānas Adamaites personālizstādi – “Frekvences telpā”, kuru veido… Jūrmalas muzejā skatāmas divas jaunas izstādes. …
7 Things To Do In Jurmala & Kemeri: A Day Trip from Riga
2024年3月5日 · As one of the premier seaside destinations in Latvia, there are lots of things to do in Jurmala and Kemeri that make it worth spending a day (or more!) if your trip to Riga allows. …