JWG 17 - IEC
jwg 17 Household and similar air treatment electrical appliances Develop the 63086 series, Method for measuring performance of household and similar air treatment electrical appliances
The 17th Joint Working Group Meeting for Implementation …
The JWG is an intergovernmental bilateral cooperation mechanism, which aims to promote the cooperation, exchanges and scientific research on nuclear fusion between the two countries. It is an annually meeting alternatively hosted by China and Japan as agreed.
中日核聚变双边合作第十七次联合工作组会议召开 -中华人民共和 …
IEC JWG 17 Dashboard > Structure: Subcommittee(s) and/or …
JWG 17 - Documentation of communication in power utility automation. TC 3: Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41第十六次全体会议于无锡举办,中国代表团取 …
2024年11月19日 · 我国专家分别作为WG 4、JWG 17、JWG 24和AG 29召集人推动组内工作进展并做工作报告,并组织召开WG 4、AG 29会议。 六项在研标准顺利推进。 推进《物联网 无线供电物联网系统的功能要求》《物联网 基于物联网的信息发布系统通用要求》《数字孪生 数字实体建设指南》3项PWI完成预研工作,进入NP投票阶段;推进ISO/IEC 30187《物联网 物联网系统评价指标》进入委员会草案投票(CDV)阶段,ISO/IEC 30188《数字孪生 参考架构》、ISO/IEC …
2024年9月11日 · 科技部消息,日前,中日核聚变双边合作第十七次联合工作组会议(jwg-17)在辽宁大连召开,中日双方的政府代表、研究机构负责人以及科学家约30人出席了本次会议。
核聚变中心颜晓虹副主任率团出席中日核聚变双边合作第十七次联 …
JWG 17 - TC 65/JWG 17 - iTeh Standards
It identifies, profiles and extends where required, the standards needed to allow the exchange of the information needed to support the planning, management and control of electric energy flow between the industrial facility and the smart grid.
China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center
The 17th Joint Working Group (JWG-17) for Implementation Arrangement between the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan for Cooperation in the field of Magnetic Fusion Energy Research and Development and Related Fields was successfully held in ...
2024年9月10日 · 中日核聚变双边合作第十七次联合工作组会议(JWG-17)在辽宁大连召开,中日双方的政府代表、研究机构负责人以及科学家约30人出席了本次会议。 会上,中日双方深入交流了国内核聚变发展规划、核聚变研究进展、ITER采购包任务执行情况等,审议通过了2023财年合作项目执行进展及2024财年合作项目提案,并且就部分核聚变关键技术的合作进行了深入探讨。
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