Search through JWST observations using target names, program IDs, exposure type, CRDS context, file creation date, and more.
JWST User Documentation Home - JWST User Documentation
This website holds a comprehensive collection of documentation (known as JDox) on the JWST spacecraft and instruments, preparing observing proposals, and getting started on data analysis. The NASA James Webb Space Telescope, developed in partnership with ESA and CSA, is operated by AURA’s Space Telescope Science Institute.
詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜 (英語: James Webb Space Telescope,简称 JWST,中国大陆官方译名为 詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜)是已發射的 紅外線 太空望遠鏡,原计划耗费5亿美元并于2007年发射升空 [8]。 但由于各种原因,导致项目严重超支,发射時間数次推迟,最新预估总耗费高达100亿美元,发射时间为美国东部时间2021年12月25日7时20分 [9]。 2019年8月28日NASA表示该望远镜首次组装完毕 [10]。 它是 欧洲空间局, 加拿大太空局 和 美国国家航空航天局 的共用计划。 …
Documentation - STScI
JWST User Documentation (or "JDox") is a collection of short, focused, and connected articles that provide information typically found in traditional instrument handbooks, data handbooks, and calls for proposals. Access JDox. The JWST Help Desk is a resource for JWST Observers to get their technical questions answered.
Search by exoplanet to find data, parameters, visualizations, and MAST holdings from Kepler, K2, Hubble, TESS and JWST. Easily find the data taken during the transit, interact with folded light curves, and view or download published spectroscopy. Run …
Accessing JWST Data - JWST User Documentation - Space …
Data products from all JWST instruments are stored in the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST), which is the permanent repository and access portal for many NASA UV/optical/IR missions and selected ground-based surveys.
詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜 - 百度百科
詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜(英文:James Webb Space Telescope,缩写:JWST,简称:韦布空间望远镜,),是美国航空航天局、欧洲航天局和加拿大国家航天局联合研发的红外线观测用空间望远镜,为哈勃空间望远镜的继任者。
Data Analysis Toolbox | STScI
A variety of tools are available to ensure the astronomical community is able to download, analyze, and interpret JWST observations for their research. The user-customizable JWST pipeline produces calibrated, science-ready data.
GitHub - spacetelescope/jwst: Python library for science …
The table below provides information on each release of the jwst package and its relationship to software builds used in the STScI JWST DMS operations environment.
Quick Start Guide - MAST Docs - STScI Outerspace - MAST Docs
2024年5月14日 · Execute a Portal Advanced Search and click the JWST box in the Mission filter, or follow the Using the MAST Portal tutorial in this Manual for JWST-specific searches. Execute a Portal basic search by target name or position to see if any JWST observations have been (or will be) obtained for sources of interest.