Tools – JWST
The JWST project provides two quick-look target visibility tools to help in pre-planning observations, and for determining their feasibility, prior to entering them in APT: the General Target Visibility Tool (GTVT) predicts visibility windows and position angles for all instruments , and the Coronagraphic Visibility Tool (CVT) provides target ...
Tools and Links - James Webb Space Telescope Solar System …
JWST Solar System FAQ: answers to a wide range of technical questions specifically on Solar System observations with JWST. Navigation and Ancillary Instrument Facility (NAIF) data: a set of JWST trajectory Spacecraft and Planet Kernels (SPKs) …
Tools from the Community - STScI
New tools can be suggested for consideration by contacting the JWST Help Desk. Eureka! Provides robust WCS alignment of JWST and HST images using Gaia, PS1, DECam, or a custom catalog. Used inside of the JWST/HST pipeline analysis flow to ensure excellent absolute and relative alignment for the final data products (e.g., stacks).
Data Analysis Toolbox | STScI
A variety of tools are available to ensure the astronomical community is able to download, analyze, and interpret JWST observations for their research. The user-customizable JWST pipeline produces calibrated, science-ready data.
JWST Other Tools - JWST User Documentation - Space Telescope …
The primary JWST tools needed to support proposal writing include the JWST Exposure Time Calculator and the Astronomer's Proposal Tool. However, the JWST project supports a number of other specialized tools that can be great time-savers for those investigating special cases.
PSF Simulation Tool - STScI
The Space Telescope PSF (STPSF) package produces simulated point spread functions for JWST based on measured or budgeted optical path difference (OPD) files comprising wavefront errors in the Optical Telescope Element (OTE) and instruments. STPSF provides: Support for all of JWST's instruments.
The James Webb Space Telescope features a 6.5 meter segmented primary mirror and 4 science instruments, each of which offers a variety of configurations and operating modes for infrared observing. Launched December 25, 2021. Varies by instrument and observing mode. For more information, please refer to the JWST Observer website.
JWST General Target Visibility Tool Help
The JWST General Target Visibility Tool (GTVT) is a command-line Python tool that provides quick-look assessments of target visibilities and position angles for all JWST instruments. See also: JWST Moving Target Visibility Tool Help, JWST Position Angles, Ranges, and Offsets, JWST Target Observability and Observatory Coordinate System.
GitHub - spacetelescope/jwst: Python library for science …
JWST requires a C compiler for dependencies. Linux and MacOS platforms are tested and supported. Windows is not currently supported. Installation of jwst versions 1.15.1 through 1.16.1 will pull an incompatible version of the gwcs dependency - this can be remedied by downgrading the gwcs version through e.g. pip install 'gwcs<0.22'
jwst - Tools for processing and analyzing JWST data - GitHub
Tools for processing and analyzing JWST data. Contribute to chriswillott/jwst development by creating an account on GitHub.