RF Test Probe JXP - Thomason Broadband Supply
We Buy Your Excess Equipment! RF Test Probe JXP (Test Adapters). Arris/Motorola JXP Style RF Test Port Probe -20dB down.
JXP Test Probe - Thomason Broadband Supply
Your Source For The Finest Quality Remanufactured Equipment & New OEM Compatible Amplifier Accessories! We Buy Your Excess Equipment! Availability: Typically ships within 60 …
JXP Test Probe - communicationassociates.net
Communication Associates attenuators test probes power magnetics attenuator CA inductor coupler test probe transformers RF Filters air coils
JXP Attenuators - communicationassociates.net
Click to see the specs for the JXP Blue 50 Ohm 750 MHz Attenuator / Pad. For ordering information, please contact us! Phone (256) 835-0900 Fax (256) 835-0992 E-mail us at [email protected]
Test Adapters - Thomason Broadband Supply
S-A Style RF Test Port Probe. 1.6", no loss, G type to F barrel, fits all standard test ports.
JXP Tall Thermal Compensating Attenuator
• Communication Associates Inc. offers two families of thermal attenuators / pads. These are attenuators / pads which adjust their amount of attenuation as temperature changes. This is useful for compensating system level errors in some cases. "A" Family: This family has the less aggressive change, 0.008dB/°C.
杰泰科技(JEET)JXP-LFC63HZ三维测量内窥镜 孔探仪(货期3周)
商品名称:杰泰科技JXP-LFC63HZ 商品编号:100066173280 类别:内窥镜 类型:软管 功能:质量测量
JX电控三维测量内窥镜 - 工业内窥镜生产厂家_深圳杰泰
主机软件为全中文菜单,可进行照片文本注释和分类编辑管理,可输出检测分析报告。 产品广泛运用于多种领域,如航空航天、军工制造、汽车制造、能源电力、精密铸造、警用安全、特检院、食品化工、制药机械、建筑行业、汽车养护等领域。 深圳杰泰科技有限公司是集工业内窥镜研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的品牌厂家,为客户提供国产工业内窥镜、便携式工业内窥镜、三维测量内窥镜、汽车内窥镜、防爆内窥镜、视频内窥镜、测量内窥镜、管道内窥镜、软管窥镜、孔探仪 …
FMC VITA 57.1 test mezzanine card using Mictor Logic Analyzer ... J2J2
Adjustments for forward/reverse gain, input/output levels, and slope are easily accomplished with the use of plug-in JXP style attenuators pads and fixed value equalizers. Pad adjustable forward and return equalizers that only require the JXP pad value to be changed for different slopes.