CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV Words | Free Flashcards (Real Photos!)
Printable CV, VC, CVC, CVCV Words for speech therapy. Free articulation cards with real photos. Perfect for apraxia and speech disorders.
Free CV, VC, CVC, CVCV Flashcards, Games, Virtual Materials, Pre …
Free downloadable CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV flashcards! Perfect for parents, teachers, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Consonant-Vowel, Vowel-Consonant, Consonant-Vowe-Consoant, and Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Vowel words!
/k/ Picture Cards - CV, VC & CVC - Initial, Medial & Final Position - TPT
59 Images targeting /k/. The /k/ words have been chosen to also contain earlier developing sounds such as stops/plosives and nasals. This is to provide more opportunities for success and to help parents prompt their child. Some words are non-words. For those words, pictures of monsters have been used.
K cv words - Teaching resources - Wordwall
10,000+ results for 'k cv words' Maggie's CV/VC words Open the box. by Mariaacastro85. Speech/CAS CV and VC /k/ words-Initial Spin the wheel. by Missamandah. k-12 speech and language articulation. C or K Maze chase. by Jennie12. K-6. Dolch Sight Words (pre-k) Spin the wheel. by Kaitlynn.
/k/ CV and VC syllables - lessonpix.com
Load these pictures into your tray to recreate and customize this material. for practicing /k/ in CV and VC syllables. You can save a tray or load previously saved trays here. This is your TRAY. To add an image, drag the image or click the the + icon.
/K/ initial CV words - LessonPix
Load these pictures into your tray to recreate and customize this material. initial /K/ words -- single syllables; CV format. You can save a tray or load previously saved trays here. This is your TRAY. To add an image, drag the image or click the the + icon.
K vc words - Teaching resources - Wordwall
Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource.
Final K in VC words by Miss GuacaMOLLY SLP - TPT
Bundle - K Word Level (CV, CV, CVC - initial & final, 2-syll - initial, medial, final). 7 worksheets total.
CVVC操作入门 - Home
C: 英文单词Consonant的缩写,代表辅音,如s、k、t、d、p……等等发音。 V: 英文单词Vowel的缩写,代表元音,如a、i、u、e、o……等等发音。 而CV和VC就分别指代形如辅音-元音、元音-辅音 这样的音素。
/k/ Articulation in CV Position Activity Pack - Twinkl
Use this /k/ Articulation in CV Position Activity Pack as a guide when supporting children who struggle to correctly articulate the /k/ sound when it is combined with a vowel sound. Within this pack, infomation is provided on how to help children as they move on from articulating the /k/ sound in isolation towards combining it with various ...
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