铁氰化钾 - 百度百科
铁氰化钾是一种无机物,化学式K 3 [Fe(CN) 6],俗称赤血盐、赤血盐钾,分子量为329.24,为红色晶体,可溶于水,水溶液带有黄绿色荧光,含有铁氰根配离子[Fe(CN) 6] 3− 。
K-fee® & Verismo* compatible coffee, espresso & multi-beverage …
Create a wide variety of cafe drinks at home! K-fee® is a true multi-beverage system, offering both Duo-Pressure multi-beverage machines and a full menu of your favorite coffees and espressos. Our Starbucks®* Verismo* pods deliver exciting flavor adventures, and our first-class crema makes every espresso stand out.
K-fee® & Verismo®* Compatible Coffee & Espresso Pods – K-fee …
Our pods are fully compatible with the entire range of coffee and espresso makers from K-fee® and the Starbucks® Verismo* system. Explore the pure satisfaction of a coffee or espresso made with Mr & Mrs Mill single-serve premium pods.
亚铁氰化钾 - 百度百科
亚铁氰化钾,化学式为k 4 [fe(cn) 6],又名 黄血盐 、六氰铁(ii)酸钾,呈黄色的结晶性粉末,是为大众所熟知的一种稳定、低毒的铁氰络合物,被广泛用于生产颜料、油漆、油墨、食品添加剂、赤血盐钾( 铁氰化钾 、k 3 [fe(cn) 6])等领域。
Potassium ferrocyanide - Wikipedia
Potassium hexacyanidoferrate (II) is the inorganic compound with formula K 4 [Fe (CN) 6]·3H 2 O. It is the potassium salt of the coordination complex [Fe (CN) 6] 4−. This salt forms lemon-yellow monoclinic crystals.
Home - Grupo K-FE
Hot and Cold formulas for automatic coffee machines and sugary beverages blends. With 25+ years of experience in the powdered food co-packaging industry, Grupo K-Fé offers flexible packaging options and customized production runs to meet our customers’ needs.
KFe[Fe(CN)₆]是什么物质? - 知乎
Sep 7, 2020 · 铁氰化亚铁 或者 铁氰化亚铁钾. 注: 分子式 MFe [Fe (CN)6]·H₂O中, M+可以是钾、钠或铵。 理化性质等其他信息参见搜狗百科:词条解释,网址: baike.sogou.com/v998698. 铁氰化钾,高中检验二价铁离子的特征物质,遇到二价铁会变蓝. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。
Amazon.com: K-fee
Discover the K-fee pod system, which is finding more and more fans worldwide every day. The K-fee system was inspired by a passion for quality. What makes it so special is that each part works in perfect harmony, from the best ingredients and special pod technology to innovative machines and accessories.
Effect of non-stoichiometry of KxFe[Fe(CN)6] as inner solid-contact ...
Jan 20, 2023 · In the current study, we synthesized Prussian blue analogues, K x Fe [Fe (CN) 6] (KFeHCF) having different [Fe (CN) 6] vacancies, potassium contents (x), and crystal system, and investigated the effect of the difference on ion-sensor performance by using the KFeHCF as the solid-contact layer of all-solid-state ion-selective electrodes (ASS-ISEs).
Structural Analysis of K 4 Fe (CN) 6 ·3H 2 O, K 3 Fe (CN) 6 and ...
Oct 1, 2021 · In this paper, we describe the synthesis of PB and use X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy to characterize the oxidation state and local structure of Fe in PB and two of its commercially obtained analogues, namely, K 4 Fe (CN) 6 ·3H 2 O and K 3 Fe (CN) 6.