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Adnan Kapau Gani - Wikipedia
A.K. Gani was born in Palembayan, West Sumatra, west of Bukittinggi, on 16 September 1905. [1] [2] The son of a teacher, he finished his early studies in Bukittinggi in 1923 before going to Batavia (modern-day Jakarta), first for his secondary studies and then to study medicine.[2] [3] He graduated from STOVIA (Dutch: School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen), a school for prospective doctors ...
Adnan Kapau Gani - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia …
A.K. Gani lahir di Palembayan, Sumatera Barat, pada tanggal 16 September 1905.Ia terlahir sebagai putra ranah minang. Ayahnya adalah seorang guru di Sekolah Rakyat yang bernama Abdul Gani Sutan Mangkuto dan ibunya bernama Rabayah, namun meninggal tahun 1915 di Sugiwaras.Setelah ibunya meninggal, ayahnya menikah lagi dengan Aminatul Habibi yang berasal dari Sungai Taleh, Palembayan.
阿德南·卡保·加尼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿德南·卡保·加尼 [a] (印尼語: Adnan Kapau Gani ;1905年9月16日—1968年12月23日),已故印度尼西亞(印尼)政治人物,穆斯林,曾出任印尼副總理、經濟部長。 他在現屬西蘇門答臘省的地區出生,並在爪哇島度過大部分青年時光,還在留居爪哇時開始學醫和參與當地正在萌芽的民族主義運動,直至 ...
Jasmine K. Gani - Google Scholar
R Hinnebusch, J Gani. Routledge, 2019. 10: 2019: Pan-Arabism vs. US Exceptionalism: ideology in US-Syrian relations. J Gani. Political Studies Asssociation, 58th Annual Conference, 1-3, 2008. 10: 2008: Anti-colonial connectivity between Islamicate movements in the Middle East and South Asia: the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamati Islam.
A. K. Gani: Internalization of His Struggle for Gen Z in Sprit of ...
2023年3月7日 · A.K. Gani’s struggle in South Sumatra beg an during the Japanese occupation. As an activist for the anti-fascist national movement, his name was well kno wn and was the
가으닉의 아쉬울때 끊어버리기 추천 영상 | TikTok
2022年12月12日 · 좋아요 79.9K개,댓글 270개.가으닉 (@k__gani) 님의 TikTok (틱톡) 동영상: "가으닉이 추천하는 아쉬울때 끊어버리기 영상을 즐겨보세요! #추천 #추천떠라 #CapCut #뉴진스챌린지".
Adnan Kapau Gani - Wikiwand
A. K. Gani Early life National revolution Post-revolution Death Awards Titles and Honors Mark Gallery Filmography References Major general TNI ( Tit. ) Dr. Adnan Kapau Gani or commonly abbreviated as A.K. Gani (16 September 1905 – 23 December 1968) was an Indonesian doctor, politician, actor and military figure.
Dr Jasmine K Gani - London School of Economics and Political …
Dr Jasmine K Gani Assistant Professor Department of International Relations. Telephone +44 (0)20 7955 7387. Email. [email protected]. Room No. CBG 8.10. Office Hours. Please see Student Hub Bookings for full details and to sign up. 0000-0002-8218-1807. Connect with me. LinkedIn. Twitter. Website. Languages.
가으닉 - 나무위키
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