Protein-losing enteropathy after the Fontan operation ... - PubMed
Background: PLE is a serious complication of the Fontan operation. Several preoperative and perioperative findings are associated with later PLE. However, there is limited information regarding postoperative abnormalities contributing to or influencing outcome in PLE. Methods: We evaluated 44 consecutive Fontan patients with PLE. A matched ...
推荐系统(十六)多任务学习:腾讯PLE模型(Progressive …
2022年3月27日 · PLE为Recsys2020最佳长论文,出自腾讯的PCG(PlatformandContentGroup)推荐视频团队。PLE是MMoE(详见MMoE)的改进版,结构简单且效果好,PLE主要是在MMoE的基础上,为每个任务增加了自己的specificexpert,仅由本任务对其梯度更新。
PLE - 知乎
PLE (Progressive Layered Extraction)模型由腾讯PCG团队在2020年提出,主要为了解决跷跷板问题,该论文获得了RecSys'2020的最佳长论文(Best Lone Paper Award)。 文章首先提出多任务学习中不可避免的两个缺点: 负迁移(Negative Transfer):针对相关性较差的任务,使用shared-bottom这种硬参数共享的机制会出现负迁移现象,不同任务之间存在冲突时,会导致模型无法有效进行参数的学习,不如对多个任务单独训练。 跷跷板现象(Seesaw Phenomenon): …
【阅读笔记】多任务学习之PLE(含代码实现) - CSDN博客
2024年4月25日 · 提出了一种新的MTL模型Progressive Layered Extraction(PLE),该模型将任务共享和任务特定参数显式分离,并引入了一种创新的递进路由方式(即多层提取结构),避免了负迁移和跷跷板现象,实现了更高效的信息共享和联合表示学习。在工业数据集和公共基准数据集上的 ...
【推荐系统多任务学习 MTL】PLE论文精读笔记(含代码实现) …
2022年3月15日 · PLE(Progressive Layered Extraction)是腾讯推荐系统团队提出的一种改进的多任务学习模型,旨在解决负迁移和跷跷板现象。 该模型在MMoE基础上,为每个任务添加专属专家,并通过门控网络动态融合信息。 实验表明,PLE在多个任务上同时超越单一任务模型,尤其在处理高度相关或复杂关系的任务时表现突出。 此外,PLE通过多层网络逐步提取和分离任务特征,增强了模型的泛化能力。 论文地址: PLE 为 Recsys 2020最佳长论文,出自腾讯的 …
多任务学习系列之PLE - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
为了解决跷跷板和负迁移的现象,论文提出了一种共享结构设计的渐进式分层提取(ple)模型。 其包含两部分, 一部分是一种显式区分共享专家塔和特定任务专家塔的门控 ( CGC ) 模型,另一部分是由单层CGC结构扩展到多层的PLE模型。
Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE): A Novel Multi-Task …
2020年9月22日 · To address these issues, we propose a Progressive Layered Extraction (PLE) model with a novel sharing structure design. PLE separates shared components and task-specific components explicitly and adopts a progressive routing mechanism to extract and separate deeper semantic knowledge gradually, improving efficiency of joint representation ...
Protein-losing enteropathy in Fontan circulation: Pathophysiology ...
2022年3月7日 · Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) represents a rare but severe and potentially life-threatening complication following Fontan operation in patients with a functional single ventricle. PLE is characterized by enteric protein loss, leading to devastating multiorgan involvement with increased morbidity and mortality.
Diagnosis and Management of Protein-losing Enteropathies
Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) is a syndrome caused by a variety of gastrointestinal diseases causing the enteric loss of albumin and globulin. 1,2 Intestinal inflammation, infiltration, ulceration, blood loss, and primary or secondary lymphangiectasia are well …
Treatment of Children with Protein – Losing Enteropathy After …
Protein-losing enteropathy is a poorly understood and enigmatic disease process affecting patients with single ventricle after Fontan operation. In those afflicted, PLE after Fontan operation results in significant morbidity and mortality.