WSJT Home Page
WSJT-X ("Weak Signal Communication, by K1JT") offers specific digital protocols optimized for EME (moonbounce), meteor scatter, and ionospheric scatter, at VHF/UHF, as well as for LF, MF, and HF propagation. The program can decode fraction-of-a-second signals reflected from ionized meteor trails and steady signals more than 10 dB below the ...
WSJT Home Page - SourceForge
English: FT8 DXpedition Mode (K1JT) German: FT8 DXpeditions-Modus–Handbuch (OE1EQW) Polish: FT8 Tryb Ekspedycji DX dla stacji Hound (SP9TTG)
WSJT-X by K1JT Joseph H Taylor, Jr - qsl.net
2025年2月18日 · Joseph H Taylor, Jr., K1JT version 2.7.0 The WSJT-X 2.7.0 User Guide (English) is available online. This document should always be your first source for help.
WSJT download | SourceForge.net
2025年2月17日 · Download WSJT for free. Weak signal ham radio communication. The WSJT project implements software for amateur radio communication using state-of-the-art digital techniques. Typical applications involve "DXing" at LF, MF, HF, and VHF+ frequencies, including meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").
WSJT-X - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该程序最初由约瑟夫·泰勒(呼号k1jt)编写,现在已开源,并由一个小团队开发维护。 WSJT-X的 数字信号处理 技术使业余无线电操作员能够更容易地利用诸如 高速流星散射 和 月面反射 等特殊传播模式。
WSJT-X User Guide
A companion program MAP65, written by K1JT, is designed for EME communication using the JT65 and Q65 protocols. When used with RF hardware providing coherent signal channels for two orthogonal polarizations, the program provides automatic polarization-matched reception for every JT65 or Q65 signal in a 90 kHz passband.
K1JT - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
2024年12月1日 · K1JT USA. Login is required for additional detail. QSL: QSL DIRECT, VIA BUREAU, OR LOTW. Email: Login required to view. Ham Member Lookups: 134509
WSJT-X Download Page - The DXZone
WSJT-X - Weak Signal Communication, by K1JT - offers specific digital protocols optimized for EME (moonbounce), meteor scatter, and ionospheric scatter, at VHF/UHF, as well as for LF, MF, and HF propagation.
贺新版开张,旧闻重发:走近诺贝尔奖大师K1JT - 科创网
Joseph Taylor, K1JT 约瑟夫·胡顿·泰勒(Joseph Hooton Taylor,1941年3月29日费城),美国物理学家,1993年因发现射电脉冲双星获诺贝尔物理学奖。 同时,作为一名普通的业余无线电爱好者,他以发明JT65微弱信号通信模式而骄傲。
- [PDF]
WSJT-X . User Guide
The first four letters in the program name stand for “Weak Signal communication by K1JT,” while the suffix “-X” indicates that WSJT-X started as an extended branch of an earlier program, WSJT, first released