K2-33b - Wikipedia
K2-33b (also known by its EPIC designation EPIC 205117205.01) is a very young super-Neptune exoplanet, orbiting the pre-main-sequence star K2-33. It was discovered by NASA's Kepler …
K2-33 b - Science@NASA
2024年10月25日 · K2-33 b is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a M-type star. Its mass is 3.7 Jupiters, it takes 5.4 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0409 AU from its star. Its …
K2-33b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
K2-33b,或稱為EPIC 205117205.01,是一顆極為年輕的超級海王星型太陽系外行星,母恆星是主序前星 K2-33。該行星是由美国国家航空航天局的克卜勒太空望遠鏡K2任務(Second Light, …
NASA's K2 finds newborn exoplanet around young star
2016年6月19日 · The newfound planet, K2-33b, is a bit larger than Neptune and whips tightly around its star every five days. It is only 5 to 10 million years old, making it one of a very few …
Exoplanet Orbits Youthful Star (Artist Concept) - NASA Science
2023年6月11日 · K2-33b, shown in this illustration, is one of the youngest exoplanets detected to date using NASA Kepler Space Telescope. It makes a complete orbit around its star in about …
K2-33b - 百度百科
K2-33b是一颗位于天蝎座、绕行母恒星K2-33公转周期仅5.4天的最年轻太阳系外行星,被分类为“超级海王星”,距离地球470光年。 天文学家21日宣布,在太阳系外发现1颗最年轻的行星, …
[2211.07728] Hazy with a chance of star spots: constraining the ...
2022年11月14日 · Here, we present multi-wavelength transit data for the super Neptune-sized exoplanet, K2-33b -- the youngest (~10 Myr) transiting exoplanet to-date. We combined …
Transit Spectroscopy of K2-33b with Subaru/IRD: Spin-Orbit …
2024年4月10日 · In this paper, we present spectroscopic observations and analyses of two planetary transits of K2-33b, which is known to be one of the youngest transiting planets (age …
天文學家宣布發現最年輕系外行星 - 维基新闻,自由的新闻源
本次發現由克卜勒太空望遠鏡做出,而該顆行星被命名為 K2-33b 。該行星距離地球470光年遠,約5百萬至1千萬歲,與其母恆星之距離僅為水星距離太陽的十分之一倍,公轉週期為5.4天。
Newborn Exoplanet Discovered Around Young Star
2016年6月20日 · Now, a team of Caltech-led researchers have discovered the youngest fully-formed exoplanet ever detected. The planet, K2-33b, at 5 to 10 million years old, is still in its …