K30 Plate Bearing Test Set - IWINTESTING
IWIN-WK K30 plate load test set can be used to test the foundation coefficient of coarse, fine soil and compacted roadbed, base course, etc.
CN103134749A - Test method for subgrade coefficient K30 of …
The invention discloses a foundation coefficient K 30 test method for a railway subgrade constructed with fine-grained soil, comprising the steps of: leveling the field test surface, installing...
基床系数测试的室内试验法与K_30_法的差异性分析及修正 - 道客 …
2014年7月30日 · 经过理论分析, 以荷载的变形效应等效为原则,提出 k30试验法与三轴试验法和固 结试验法对应的等效厚度。 对 2 种室内 试验方法而言, 其试件高度较k30试验法的等效厚度明显偏小是造成它们的测试结果明显偏大的根本原因。
CN103115819A - Test method for subgrade coefficient K30 of …
The invention discloses a foundation coefficient K 30 test method for a railway embankment constructed with coarse-grained soil, which comprises the following steps: leveling the field test...
新编K30 平板荷载试验仪器校验方法 - 豆丁网
2016年6月8日 · 通过校验测定出实际加载值或司机荷载板正应力值与系统压力表读数值之间的相关关系,建立其回归方程,并经整理绘制成图表,以作为k30平板荷载试验的计算基础。
路基K30平板载荷试验 - 百度文库
反力系数,以标准值k30表示。其试验目的主要用于路基,基床填料层的 压实施工及质量管理。我国自1985年引用以地基反力系数k30值作为路 基填料质量的检测控制指标以来,在铁路系统均以“地基系数”为基本 用
路基K30试验检测 - 百度文库
k30试验检测是目前路基压实质量较为成熟的试验办法,应用较为广泛。 文中结合某一专线,针对现场路基K30试验检测技术进行分析,希望可以为同行业工作者提供相关理论依据。
K30 Calculation: Load Intensity Σ (Mpa) Settlement (Dial
1) The document records the results of a K30 plate load test conducted on a subgrade for the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway project. 2) The test measured the settlement of a loaded plate under increasing intensities up to 0.4 MPa using two dial gauges, and calculated the foundation coefficient K30.
Intelligent K30 Plate Load Bearing Tester - dixincpt.com
Test the stress and deformation characteristics of the foundation soil and determine the foundation coefficient of the railway, highway sub-grade, and basement.
K30 Static Plate Load Test/Plate Bearing Plate Load Testing/Digital ...
K30 plate loading test as a strength and deformation of indicators that are able to visually characterize subgrade stiffness and bearing capacity.