High-end sheetfed offset with Rapida 106 - Koenig & Bauer
2025年2月7日 · With printing speeds up to 18,000 sheets/h, the Rapida 106 is a highly productive sheetfed offset press in 3b medium format. And not only that. The range of substrates is just …
VariJET 106 – Koenig & Bauer Durst Digital Packaging Print
Food-safe water-based inks to meet current and future regulatory and environmental standards. This state-of-the-art, multi-purpose machine, created to meet the needs of personalization, …
印刷速度高达20,000张/小时(双面印刷速度为18,000张/小时),利必达106是最高效的中等幅面单张纸胶印机。不仅如此。其承印物的灵活性也同样是出色的:从薄纸到厚纸板、从塑料薄膜到瓦楞 …
the Rapida 106 offers a variety of configu-ration options and accessories to fulfil any printing requirement. And you can simply select the technical features that are most appro priate to …
Rapida 106 X - Koenig & Bauer
"The Koenig & Bauer Rapida 106 is the world’s fastest offset printing press in its class. The design of the press-and-control console expresses its high modularity and exemplifies the …
Rapida 106 X | Koenig & Bauer
“高宝利必达106是世界同类产品中速度最快的单张纸胶印机。 触控式控制台采用高度模块化设计,是当代工业机器设计的先进性典范。 整个外观大气磅礴、整洁流畅而且使人深感信赖。
KBA RAPIDA 106-6+L CX FAPC ALV3 | pressXchange
CX package up to 1.2 mm thickness; ErgoTronic console with ColorTronic ink metering; X-Rite color measurement; FAPC fully-automatic plate change; KBA Non-Stop-Feeder, automatic; …
New KBA Rapida 106 Six-Color 41-Inch Press with LED Drying …
2016年1月20日 · Upon its arrival at Crossmark, the firm’s new Rapida 106 will be configured with a host of automated features unique to KBA such as fully-automated plate changing, …
KBA Rapida 106 HS SIS-6+L CX ALV3 FAPC HYBRID - pressXchange
KBA Rapida 106-6+L CX ALV2 Year: 2014 Category: Sheetfed offset CX equipment (additional equipment for cardboard until 1.2 mm) > HS High speed package 20.000 iph > Continous …
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KBA Rapida 106 Sheetfed offset Technical information Printing unit Design principles - Substructure cast in a single piece for high torsional rigidity, stability and reduced weight - …