People who don't like KDE, in which aspects is it "too much"? - Reddit
TL;DR: too many settings/options, bad defaults, missing some actually useful ones. I always go back to XFCE or MATE. Edit: fixed some typos.
Why is KDE given so bad reputation in online posts and videos?
KDE has a bad reputation because people had bad experiences with Kubuntu. Gnome 2/MATE is old, slow, and bloated, but it's what people are used to. Unity is total crap, but it's the only Linux experience many users have had. Nor did KDE get much of a reputation with the lightweight crowd because of XFCE and LXDE.
Is it me or KDE/Plasma isn't very good? : r/linux - Reddit
2022年4月11日 · My experience after a day is that KDE/Plasma: has applications crashing a lot, without much details about why, but asking me to send a bug report. Browsing and SMB share always crashed instantly. The applications were kind of annoying too: When I've wanted to change the shell of KConsole (set to zsh when my /etc/passwd shell is bash), it refused.
KDE桌面环境有什么优点、特点、缺点,评价如何? - 知乎
广义的KDE 是由 Plasma桌面环境、库、框架 (KDE Frameworks)、和应用(KDE Applications)组成的软件项目。 优点. kde 是一个功能齐全的桌面环境,窗口管理器kwin很强大,特效巨多,plasma shell 有各种官方自带的小部件加持能满足各种需求。
KDE6 更新踩坑记录 - Aloxaf's Blog
2024年3月11日 · 原因是 KDE 不知道为啥把「命令」快捷键挪到「应用程序」去了,重新建立一个就能正常工作了。 总结:重新建一个。 latte dock 终于迎来了彻底的终焉。 能怎么办呢? 添加一个空面板,然后放一个图标任务管理器,调整一下大小,然后凑合用着吧…… 试了下,比 KDE5 有进步,至少会在自动扩展长度的时候自动居中,还会在窗口没扩展到它边上时保持悬浮,确实像个 dock 了。 但记得 不要勾选「总是显示」,不然 KDE 总是会保留 dock 所占区域(即使你的 …
Plasma 6 looks awful - KDE Plasma - Manjaro Linux Forum
2024年5月13日 · Make sure to check your panel options and ‘effects’ like blur. You could try creating a new user and comparing the appearance. Yes, the desktop did reset but the panel stuff still looks bad, with no spacings, wrong alignments, and so on.
KDE still looking bad • KDE Community Forums
2013年9月10日 · The current version of KDE is KDE 4.11, I would recommend updating. Please also note that the defaults can be easily changed, with other Plasma themes, colour schemes and other customisations being available to change the appearance of KDE.
Is the reason that KDE Plasma has such strange defaults ... - KDE …
2023年9月23日 · Most people thus won’t bother, and therefore will assume that “Linux is bad” if the default desktop experience appears broken. Another notable example is the default lack of an “up arrow” in Dolphin.
Plasma 6 update is disappointing for me - Community - KDE Discuss
2024年6月29日 · Plasma 6 update is disappointing. More bugs than Plasma 5, at the time of writing I have already filed 3 reports about the task switcher, 1 about the panel, and some others. Minutes ago I filed one about fullscreen crashes. And among them some are about performance issues. Things that were smooth in Plasma 5 is now sluggish and glitchy in Plasma 6.
Why is KDE so badly regarded within the Linux community when ... - Reddit
2015年7月5日 · The problem is that KDE was slow and bloated before 4.8. People just remember the last time they used it, nevermind that these issues are now fixed. It is also so featureful that it just "feels" bloated to some people.