Capacity of Khayelitsha District Hospital - PMG
2022年2月23日 · The KDH currently accepted referrals from within Khayelitsha, as well as Mfuleni. Neighbouring facilities with a similar care package included Helderberg Hospital, Karl Bremer Hospital and Eerste River Hospital. Patients from Khayelitsha requiring an advanced level of care were referred to Tygerberg Hospital.
Sigogo Petition on Khayelitsha Hospital - PMG
2018年11月8日 · The Sigogo Petition dealt with the alleged cover-up by the Public Service Commission (PSC) regarding reported irregularities, maladministration, nepotism, fraud, poor working conditions and victimisation of employees at the Khayelitsha District Hospital (KDH).
KDH deaths 2017 : Total 29 Column1 Pneumonia Ill-defined Gastro Sepsis Transport 9 10 2 2 1. Similar pattern during surge – most admissions for pneumonia and diarrhoea. Drop in RXH S11 admissions in 2012/13 by 25% – resources not followed – nursing, clerical. Obstetrics Service outcomes. HIE rate 2012 2013 2014 2015
Sigogo Petition on Khayelitsha District Hospital hearing: continuation
2019年2月28日 · The Chair said he would write a letter to Khayelitsha District Hospital (KDH) management telling them that their action was illegal. He accused the Western Cape Government of refusing to recognise national parliament.
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We therefore find it strange that the Management of KDH went to great lengths to render the IMLC dysfunctional. The PSC investigation failed to demonstrate the sequence of events which let to the collapse of the IMLC. The report minimizes the destructive and deceptive role played by …
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Honour to Selvi Gopika - kdhdws.org
2022年11月3日 · *இடம்*: pmg மகளிர் விடுதி திருவனந்தபுறம், *தேதி: 2022 நவம்பர் 5 - மாலை 3.00 மணி.*
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2025年1月20日 · Calibre是一款强大的电子书管理软件,支持打开和阅读多种格式的电子书,包括KDH。你可以使用Calibre来打开KDH文件,只需在软件界面上选择“打开书籍”,然后找到KDH文件并点击“打开”即可。 使用其他电子书阅读软件: