Info sought: Kef Constructor Series CS1 -moved - diyAudio
2020年8月8日 · Specification: Model CS1 System Type: Two-way bookshelf/stand-mount Enclosure type: Closed box Dimensions: 315 x 200 x 180mm (12.4 x 7.9 x 7.1 inches) Nominal impedance: 8 ohms Programme rating: 50W Frequency response: 85Hz to 30kHz +/-3.0dB at 2m on design axis Sensitivity: 81dB at 1m for pink noise input of 1W (anechoic conditions)
KEF CS1A Build. - theartofsound.net
2020年8月3日 · As eluded to in the title, I plan on using the T27 & B110 in a CS1A build and incorporating a “helper” either using the B139’s or a sub. I’m in the process of putting a parts list together and would like some opinions / advice as to capacitor choice. The tweeter network specs 3.3uF (C4) & 7uF (C5) Electrolytic with 0.33 (C3) Polyester bypass.
Kef Constructor series CS1 Vancouver speakerlab build - diyAudio
2020年8月8日 · i all , I just acquired a set of Kef CS1 speakers locally. The previous owner says he purchased them from Speaker Labs (?) on West 4th in Vancouver in the 90's - Very well built as you can see from photo. Interestingly they are set up for bi-wire on the back.
Can one build a better (non) LS3/5A speaker based on T27s
2014年10月1日 · Here's what KEF say: Explore KEF - Constructor Series CS1 to CS9, PL301 - KEF International Constructor Series Model CS1 (1981-90) The CS1 was a bookshelf two-way system based on the Reference Model 101 B110B SP1057, front mounted in 12mm Chipboard 8L. Positive polarity crossover. Constructor Series Model CS1A (1981-90)
KEF 喇叭/英國 - 老音響資料庫/蘇桑部落格
2014年11月29日 · 資料來源:音響技術第95期nov. 1983 kef cs1/cs3/cs5/ 資料來源:音響技術第94期 NOV. 1983 KEF CS1=Model 101/CS3=Model 103.2/CS5=Model 204/ 資料來源:音響技術第4期 APR. 1976 KEF 104/總代理 泰孚音響
DIY LS3/5A's - narkive
My question, I have a pair of 8 ohm KEF B110's (sp1003) and a matching pair of KEF 8 ohm T27's (sp1032) pulled from a pair of 80's Fried Model B monitors. I cannot find any useful info about this specific model and I need to decide on what type of crossover to use. As I …
12.9 KEF Constructor CS1和CS1A_BBC监听音箱完全指南最新章节 …
2024年12月18日 · BBC监听音箱完全指南12.9 KEF Constructor CS1和CS1A
KEF Bookshelf Speakers 103.2 - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2009年3月1日 · KEF's are excellent speakers, very neutral and uncolored with outstanding bass performance. In good condition, the asking price is not a super bargain, but it is a good price. Just be sure they include the KUBE outboard low-frequency equalizer. The KUBE is absolutely mandatory to get the best bass performance from these outstanding speakers.
KEF BBC LS3/5a金牌钢琴漆 - 非常发烧网 - Powered by Discuz!NT …
2010年10月21日 · 1981 年,KEF 推出 Constructor 系列 CS1A 扬声器套件,其中包括 B110 (SP1003) 和 T27 (SP1032) 驱动单元和一个分频元件,该套件旨在达到 LS3/5A 的主观均衡水平,但其形状比 FL6/23 更简约。
FOR SALE: KEF CS1 speakers - Reference 101 in kit form
2023年10月3日 · DIY speakers. Built from the CS1 kit plans. I looked inside and components are Solen poly caps and air core inductors. Very heavy cabinets with mahogany veneer. The cabinets are slightly larger than the kit plans specify and contain additional internal reinforcement.