KEF X300A review - What Hi-Fi?
2013年8月15日 · KEF X300A review from the experts at What Hi-Fi? - compare latest prices, see user reviews, and see X300A specs and features.
由內而外的高質感-KEF X300A主動式喇叭 - U-Audio 試聽報告
X300A的外觀採用了一種非常特殊的金屬灰質感,KEF稱之為Gunmetal塗裝,看上去像髮絲紋處理的鐵灰色,摸起來卻有皮革的觸感。 時尚酷炫外型 但KEF推出X300A可不是單單為了酷炫好 …
试听KEF X300A - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2013年4月9日 · kef x300a是一对声音非常现代化的有源音箱,如果能增加均衡功能和低音炮输出,将会是五六千价位上很有竞争力的产品。 回复 支持 反对 使用道具 举报
KEF X300A Review - PCMag
2013年8月15日 · KEF has struck gold with the X300A, a high-resolution active desktop speaker system that sounds amazing when connected to any computer.
KEF X300A Digital Hi-Fi Speaker System - Gunmetal Gray (Pair)
2013年1月2日 · With high resolution 96kHz/24-bit USB input and digitally connected hi-fi speakers, the X300A gives your music all the warmth, depth and detail of the original …
内外兼修的好品质 KEF X300A拆解评测 - 中关村在线音频 ...
2013年4月9日 · [中关村在线音频频道原创]不久前笔者评测了kef的首款有源音箱x300a《6480元顶级桌面音箱kef有源x300a评测》,作为一个小巧的桌面pchifi音箱产品,x300a拥有着非常不错 …
KEF X300A Powered Speakers Review - Audioholics
Review: The KEF X300A powered speakers use two class AB amplifiers in each speaker. A 50 watt amp drives the woofer and handles the low and mid frequencies, and a 20 watt amp …
KEF X300A Review - SoundVisionReview
KEF X300A is in many ways a revolutionary good computer speakers. Plug them via USB and you´ll hear more detail and more life in your music files than you thought possible! The KEF …
KEF X300A Wireless powered loudspeaker review - Darko.Audio
2014年11月9日 · KEF’s software engineers have pre-configured the X300A – both original and Wireless – with two EQ settings, switchable on the rear of the left speaker: ‘DESK’ for near …
KEF X300A Digital Hi-Fi Speaker System - The Absolute Sound
2013年11月21日 · The X300A is nicely graduated across the macro/micro-dynamic landscape with an image stability and pinpoint focus that are only approached by true single-driver …