Why is Kf8 the recommended move here? - Chess Stack Exchange
2017年1月31日 · Stockfish 8 gives the move of Kf8, and claims my move of Bd7 is an inaccuracy. I don't quite understand why. I can see that it breaks the pin on my bishop on e7 and sets up for possible tactics with Qa5, but that's not going to happen against decent opposition and surely I'd rather my right to castle and connected rooks rather than my rook ...
r/chess on Reddit: Can someone tell me why Kf8 is actually the …
Kf8 is a good move because other ways of blocking the check allow him to trade the bishop off. It's a special case in some sense, although we can also say it's a general motif that occurs when one plays Bb5/Bb4/Bg4/Bg5 without having the corresponding supporting knight.
French Defence, Winawer, Poison Pawn variation with 7...Kf8
2021年6月5日 · The French, Winawer, Poison Pawn variation is one of the sharpest lines in all of chess. It begins with this position with Black to move: There are two mainlines for Black: Qc7 or 0-0. Both of these are strong moves and there is a huge amount of theory available for both of them.
The Classic Bishop Sacrifice - Part 2 - Chess.com
2012年12月25日 · 16…Kf8 17.Ne4! Devastating. White intends to take away the black King’s running square on e7 by Bg5. Making e7 unwelcome to the sprinting black King is a major strategy in the Classic Bishop Sacrifice. Sometimes Bg5 achieves that goal, and sometimes placing the Bishop on the a3-f8 diagonal (Ba3 or Bb4) also has the same effect.
In this position, why is the best move Kf8 effectively ... - Reddit
I think it's because black wants to play Ng4, attacking both h2 and f2. However any other move than 1..Kf8 will not allow Ng4. For instance: 1..Bd7 2. Bxd7 and black can no longer player Ng4 1..Kd8 or Ke7 allows 2. Bg5 pinning the knight. Click the lichess analysis to try this for yourself and you will see the problem.
Win against NM analysis (Amazing kingwalk! 22... Kf8!) - Chess.com
2023年9月9日 · The game was decided on a tactic. If not for that tactic, I would've been in a lot of trouble with my king being moments away from annihilation. I couldn't really find a good middlegame plan for that structure. I wasn't sure which side of the board I should've been playing on. The computer seems to suggest...
(B40) -PİN VARİATİON- KF8!!!!!!!!!!! • lichess.org
2018年5月8日 · A chess study by espressivo. Accessibility: Enable blind mode. lichess.org. Play lichess.org. Create a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. Puzzles. Puzzles Puzzle Themes Puzzle Dashboard Puzzle Streak Puzzle Storm Puzzle Racer. Learn. Chess basics Practice Coordinates Study Coaches.
kptcausal (3066) - waszczuk_Kf8 (2487) • lichess.org
kptcausal (3066) is playing waszczuk_Kf8 (2487) in a rated Bullet (1+0) game of chess. Game is still ongoing after 40 moves. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!
r/chess on Reddit: Why is Kf8 the best move here according to …
2019年2月18日 · i guess if gxh6, then Ng5 wins, with Qh5 and mate coming...otherwise for example g6 loses to Bg7...with Kf8, you protect the g7 pawn, and you create a space for the queen on e8, after any knight move and Qh5
vienna gambit white sidde with Kf8 • lichess.org
A chess study by HarshaMeha. Accessibility: Enable blind mode. lichess.org. Play lichess.org. Create a game Arena tournaments Swiss tournaments Simultaneous exhibitions. Puzzles. Puzzles Puzzle Themes Puzzle Dashboard Puzzle Streak Puzzle Storm Puzzle Racer. Learn. Chess basics Practice Coordinates Study Coaches.
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