List of Sd.Kfz. designations - Wikipedia
Sonderkraftfahrzeug (abbreviated Sd.Kfz., [1] German for "special purpose vehicle") was the ordnance inventory designation used by Nazi Germany before and during World War II for military vehicles; for example Sd.Kfz. 101 for the Panzer I, and Sd.Kfz. 251 for the armored personnel carrier made by Hanomag.
二战轮式装甲车图集——德军轮式装甲车系列 - 知乎
2023年6月12日 · 1、 Kfz.13 轮式装甲车. 生产时间:1932年. 重量:2.1吨. 长度:4.2米. 宽度:1.7米. 高度:1.46米. 引擎设备:奔驰12N-RW型6缸汽油发动机60马力. 最大行程:300千米. 最大速度:70千米/小时. 武器装备:7.92mmMG13/MG34机枪×1. 乘员:2. 最大装甲:5~8mm. 生产数量:147辆. 2 ...
Sd.Kfz.——二战中的部分德军车辆及其编号 - 百度贴吧
Sd.Kfz. 13 四轮装甲侦察车(武器为MG 13型机枪,德军第一款装甲侦察车,战争中装备装甲师的侦察营) Sd.Kfz. 14 无线电通讯车 (底盘同Sd.Kfz. 13) Sd.Kfz. 101 1号坦克 A,B型
FZ275 LGR - Wikipedia
The FZ275 LGR - Laser Guided Rocket is a weapon system by Thales (formerly Forges de Zeebrugge).It is intended to provide a low-cost guided missile compatible with existing unguided 70mm rocket launch platforms. The HE (High Explosive) version of the FZ275 LGR is equipped with a HE warhead with impact fuze. [5]In June 2024, Adani Defence & Aerospace signed an agreement with Thales Group to ...
Sd.Kfz. 141/2 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N, UM 275 (2018) - Scalemates
UM model kit in scale 1:72, 275 is a rebox released in 2018 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Panzerkampfwagen III | EAN: 4589913250574
德棍福利!二战德国坦克装甲车彩色图鉴(1) - 哔哩哔哩
【二战德军装甲车辆编号一览】 Sd.Kfz. 2 履带式摩托 Sd.Kfz. 2/1 履带式摩托的变型车,改装为战地布线车 Sd.Kfz. 2/2 改装为战地布线车 Sd.Kfz. 3a 半履带式2吨载重卡车“马骡” (欧宝公司) Sd.Kfz. 3b 半履带式2吨载重卡车“马骡” (福特公司) Sd.Kfz. 3c 半履带式2吨载重卡车“马骡” (克罗克讷-洪堡- …
Sd.Kfz 173 Jagdpanther, Italeri 275 (1994) - Scalemates
Italeri model kit in scale 1:35, 275 is a NEW tool released in 1994 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Jagdpanther | EAN: 8001283802758
大众 275a 和 275c 的区别有哪些? - 知乎
275为基础版本全功能导航,不支持液晶仪表和丹拿音箱,8寸按键屏; 275a为275功能+光纤功能(支持液晶仪表和丹拿),8寸按键屏;
German Armor Allocation, February 1945 - Panzerworld
2020年2月8日 · 275: 177: Five from homeland maintenance: Tiger I-3: Three from homeland maintenance: Tiger II: 35: 36: One from homeland maintenance: Jagdpanzer 38: 500: 402: ... Sd Kfz 250: 150: 95: Four from homeland maintenance: Sd Kfz 251: 236: 386: 15 from homeland maintenance: Armored cars: 48: 33: Seven light from homeland maintenance: Pz Kpfw IV. Unit ...
Marder III - Wikipedia
A total of 275 vehicles were built in two series from November 1942 to April 1943. An additional 175 vehicles were converted from Panzer 38(t)'s in 1943. Chassis numbers of new vehicles were 1751–2075 and 2121–2147 (overlapping with simultaneous Grille production).